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agel chart

Ascendant in Scorpio, Mars in the Tenth House


At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Scorpio was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Mars is located in the tenth house.


Your life will be marked by your shrewd, secretive, obstinate, clever, and reserved disposition. You remain an enigma: with these traits, your life events could be either very tragic or very fortunate. To which category of Scorpio do you belong? There are two types, the extremely emotional, attracted by those pathological aspects of biological relationship, or the highly mystical, concerned with spirituality.


You are a person of extremes, very sensitive and desirous of attachment. There is some attraction to the occult or to psychic phenomena. You are active in the sense that there is a psychological struggle going on inside you between the positive and negative poles-those of affirming and satisfying or rejecting and repressing. You are very intense in your feelings and remain passionately attached to the person you love. Similarly, when you dislike someone you are very fixed in that feeling. However, there is room for optimism in that: whatever type of Scorpio you may happen to be, there exists a desire deep in your inner self for psychic regeneration.


At some point in your life, after the occurrence of a major dramatic event that will affect you deeply, the goal and entire expression of your ego may alter entirely. The intensity and profundity of your passion, however, will always be constant. You have a tendency to go into the shadows and secretly plan the course of action you will take, reluctant to let others know the exact nature of your mood or feelings. In your sexual affairs you are full of passion and strong attachment.


Exert more control over your passions; don't be so resentful of others. Use your strong will and character for favorable and beneficial things.


You have a strong inclination to be involved in medicine, perhaps even surgery. You are attracted by research and investigation in general.


Your life will be geared to the attainment of prestigious positions in the world.


Your temperament is that of an ambitious person who can blaze for himself a path of individual realization. You are very independent, and prefer to have your own business or enterprise, disliking unwarranted advice or unsolicited assistance. Mars here gives you the dynamism and stamina for possible success in business or a profession, as your energy will be able to carry you through the turbulent and unstable periods which you will experience in the professional world.


At times your emotional nature may override your intellectual limitations and these are the moments when you should take extra precautions. Your destiny will require many critical decisions. Fortunately, you will be able to respond to the urgency of the moment, for you meet crises with bravery and composure.



Moon in the Second House


The Moon was found in the second house at the time of your birth. Your business dealings and means of income will consist of a multiplicity of activities where you must relate to many people. The position is generally good.


Occupationally, you are going to be inclined to pursue money through popular activities.


In any case, expect a fortune which holds variation and fluctuation. Try to orient your monetary dealings to the general public for you possess the ability to succeed when in touch with the popular masses.



Sun in the Third House


The Sun appears in the third house at the time of your birth.


Your individuality as ruled by the Sun must pass several karmic tests of a mental character in order to return to its spiritual abode with a richer knowledge in this state of consciousness. Your mind strives for glory, social success, honors, power and magnanimous elevation by means of intellectual understanding.


The path for the realization of fame, honor, nobility and advancement lies through study, communication and self-expression. Your views about life are optimistic, self-assured, kind and generous.


The liabilities of your mind are a lack of interest in detail or occupations and matters that you regard as being below your dignity.



Venus in the Fifth House


Venus was found in the fifth house at the time of your birth. At first glance this denotes rich, intense, and pleasant emotional events that will enhance your psychic nature. You are a person who could be regarded as fortunate in love and very successful. Whereas Venus grants the basic capability to reach full enjoyment from love and emotional involvements, it also indicates a tendency to be somewhat inconsistent, volatile, and changeable in romance. Although you are capable of loving intensely and with devotion, the tendencies are to lose interest after a certain time. You would be in a better position if you could exert some control over your span of interest.



Saturn in the Tenth House


Saturn was found in the tenth house at the time of birth. This a very challenging position for a person who seeks worldly success. The inhibiting powers of Saturn are expressed in a heavy, cautious, and very serious personality. Many of the limitations that will arise throughout life result from your own psychological disposition which is oriented to narrow bounds. The key to a satisfactory solution of the various problems that will arise throughout life lies in your ability to endure difficulties with patience.


Inwardly there are ambitions, aspirations, and thrift; properly projected these psychological characteristics could yield power, an image of pride, and a perpetual craving for material objects and worldly wealth.

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