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Κάτω οι Προβοκάτσιες, Κρίμα στον άνθρωπο που χάθηκε σήμερα ... και Μας Εύχομαι ΚΡΙΤΙΚΗ ΣΚΕΨΗ



 Section from

The Dialectics of Terrorism:A Marxist Response to September 11By Prof. Peter McLaren Part One: Remembering to ForgetWe have entered a reality zone already captured by its opposite: unreality. Itis a world where nobody really wanted to venture. It is a world where order hasgiven way to disorder; where reason has given way to unreason; where reality iscompromised by truth; where guilt is presumed over innocence; where the oncenoble search for explanations has been replaced by a dizzying vortex of plasticflags, stars and stripes rhinestone belts.....The world has been transformed into pure intensity where to seek refuge inthe sanctuary of reflection is to engage in an act of unpardonable treason, wherepreviously silenced realities are now guaranteed never to be heard. A disquieting incongruence has arisen between democracy and freedom. Itis the reverse mirror image of the democracy that we thought we knew, ademocracy for which many had fought and some had died. [...] The retreat of civil liberties is understood not as something imposed by a proto-fascist administration that has rehiredmany of the participants in the Iran-Contra scandal of Bush padre, but as something“natural” like the self-regulation of the stock market.It has become dangerous to think, to ask too many questions, or to lookbeyond the face value of whatever commentary is served up to us by our politicians,our military, and our so-called intelligence agencies, summarized daily inthe infantilizing screeds of daily media columnists who have disingenuouslybecome their Beverly Hills lap dogs. Not only has dialectical thought beenlamentably undervalued and shamefully underpracticed by these media commentators,but political propaganda in the name of Western truth has been

accorded supercelestial status.




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