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Υπόδειγμα ωριαίας από τον William Lily


 Η ακόλουθη ωριαία είναι από το βιβλίο του William Lily

( 1602 – 1681 )

Christian Astrology, (Τόμος 2).

Το έργο αυτό πρωτοεκδόθηκε  το 1647 και επανεκδόθηκε στη Μ. Βρετανία  το 1985 από τις εκδόσεις Regulus Publishing Company Ltd.




 If she should marry the man desired?





The Judgment.


The Querent was of tall stature, ruddy complexioned, sober, discreet and well spoken, &c.


The Quesited was very tall, slender, leane, and of a long visage, black haire: His talnesse I attribute to Jupiter, as being in the Termes of Mercury, and the cusp of the 7th being also in his Termes: and indeed the being of a Significator in the Termes of any Planet, doth a little vary the party from his naturall temper and constitution, so that he will retaine a small or great tinture from that Planet according as he is dignified: The sadnesse of his haire, I conceive to be from Jupiter his aspect to Saturn, and the Moon her Square unto him, being her selfe subterranean. 


Mercury is here Significatrix of the Querent, Retrograde, under the Sun-beames, was in some distresse and feare that the Quesited would not have her; and she might and had some reason for it, for Jupiter was in his Exaltation, and neer the Sextile of Venus,an argument the man stood upon high termes, and had been tampering with another; yet were both Significators in a Semisextile, and in good houses, from which I gathered hopes, that there was some sparks of love betwixt them; but when I found the Moon seperating from Square of Jupiter, and carrying his light by a Trine aspect to Mercury the Lord of the ascendant, and he in an angle, receiving willingly, by his Retrograde motion, that her vertue which she brought from Jupiter.


I was confident the Match would suddenly be brought to passe by such a one as Moon was, or represented by her, who did much interpose in the businesse, and who at last, with a little difficulty, produced the Marriage to effect, to the content of both parties.


Σημείωση: Αν και στην ωριαία εξετάζουμε τις πτολεμαϊκές όψεις , εδώ ο W. Lily αναφέρεται σε semisextile. Σύμφωνα και με τον J. Frawely, οι όψεις αυτές ήταν στην εποχή του Lily της μόδας καθώς τότε είχαν αρχίσει να χρησιμοποιούνται χωρίς να προσφέρουν όμως ή να προσθέτουν στη μελέτη ενός ωριαίου χάρτη.


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Αξιολόγηση: χωρίς αξιολόγηση

έχουν γενέθλια 223 μέλη.

γιορτάζουν οι: Αγνή, Μάξιμος, Πάτροκλος


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