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A summary of Michel and Francoise Gauquelin's work.
Thomas David Kehoe  keho@midway.uchicago.edu
Michel Gauquelin conducted huge statistical tests of the positions of 
planets at birth for various professional groups, personality types, and 
parent-child relationships.  His sample sizes were as large as 60,000.  
His work has been repeated and verified by scientific organizations in 
several countries.
The chapter of Gauquelin's book "Birthtimes" which describes the 
reactions of the scientific community to his research (including the 
CSICOP episode) should be of interest to any philosopher of science.  He 
also discusses scientific reactions to Galileo, Newton, and Kepler.  
Newton and Kepler were believers in astrology, and Newton's 
contemporaries refused to believe in "gravity" because it was action-at-
a-distance -- something in the realm of astrology.
Here is a summary of Gauquelin's results:
If you were born with:
Moon in 1st, 2nd house: "simple"
Moon in 5th, 7th, 8th house: not a writer
Moon in 9th house: "not simple"
Moon in 9th, 12th house: writers, politicians
Moon in 10th, 11th house: not a sports champion, scientist, or actor
Mars in 1st, 2nd, 8th, 11th house: not a scientist, actor, or writer
Mars in 2nd house: not "strong will"
Mars in 2nd, 3rd, 12th house: "extrovert"
Mars in 3rd, 6th, 7th, 9th, 12th house: scientists, actors, writers
Mars in 4th, 5th house: not a sports champion
Mars in 5th, 10th house: "introvert"
Mars in 9th, early 11th, or 12th house: sports champions, physicians, 
military leaders, top executives; "strong will"; not a painter, 
musician, or writer
Jupiter in 1st, 9th, or 12th house: sports champions, writers, 
Jupiter in 4th or 5th house: not an actor
Jupiter in 4th, 5th, or 11th house: not a sports champion, scientist or 
Jupiter in 4th, 11th house: "introvert"
Jupiter in 5th, 11th house: "simple"
Jupiter in 9th house: "extrovert", "not simple"
Jupiter in 9th or 12th house: actors, politicians, military leaders, top 
executives, journalists; not a scientist or physician
Jupiter in 10th or 11th house: not an actor or sports champion
Saturn in 1st, 7th, 8th house: "strong will"
Saturn in 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th house: not a scientist or 
Saturn in 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th house: not a scientist
Saturn in 3rd, 4th house: "extrovert"
Saturn in 4th or 5th house: not a sports champion, actor, or writer
Saturn in 8th house: "simple"
Saturn in 9th, 12th house: scientists, physicians, sports champions, 
actors, writers, "simple", "introvert"; not actors, journalists, 
writers, painters
Saturn in 10th house: "not strong will"
Moon in 9th or 12th house: amiable, disorganized, dreamer, easy-going, 
fashionable, friendly, generous, good company, good-hearted, helpful, 
imaginative, impressionable, impulsive, merry, nonchalant, popular, 
socialite, spontaneous, superficial, tolerant
Venus in 9th or 12th house: affable, agreeable, ambiguous, attractive, 
beloved, benevolent, charming, considerate, courteous, elegant, 
flattering, gallant, gracious, juvenile, kind, obliging, pleasant, 
poetic, polite, seductive
Mars in 9th or 12th house: active, ardent, belligerent, brave, 
combative, daring, dynamic, energetic, fearless, fighter, lively, 
offensive, reckless, spontaneous, strong-willed, stormy, tireless, 
tough, valiant, vitality
Jupiter in 9th or 12th house: ambitious, authoritarian, conceited, gay, 
harsh, humorous, independent, ironical, lively, mocking, prodigal, 
proud, show off, social climber, spendthrift, talkative, warm, well-off, 
witty, worldly
Saturn in 9th or 12th house: cold, concentrated, conscientious, 
discreet, introvert, methodical, meticulous, modest, observer, precise, 
reserved, sad, simple, sombre, stiff, taciturn, thoughtful, timid, 
uncommunicative, wise
These are people who are very successful at their professions.  Studies 
of non-champion sportspersons, for example, found they were born with 
Mars in any house.  
Also, the data peaks don't always fit neatly into houses.
Note that there are a few contradictions, due to difference databases 
being used.  The examples below illustrate that there's nothing wrong 
with contradictions.
Gauquelin tested 50,000 personality traits against the appropriate 12 
zodiac symbols.  The results showed absolutely no correlation with 
traditional astrology.  In fact, more often than not the people born in 
a sign lacked the personality traits associated with that sign.
He also was unable to correlate any personality traits with the position 
of the Sun, Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto.  He was unable to find 
professions associated with Venus in the 9th or 12th house, or at least 
professions where people become famous.
Gauquelin's found that the two most powerful houses are the 12th (after 
rising), 9th (after midheaven), and two next most powerful houses are 
the 6th (after setting) and the 3rd (after midnight).  Astrologers say 
that the most critical houses are the 1st (before rising), 4th (before 
midnight), 7th (before setting), and 10th (before midheaven).  In other 
words, astrologers are right that the planet angles are very powerful, 
but wrongly assert that the planets are strongest at the angle and 
approaching the angle.  Gauquelin found that the planets are strongest 
in the two hours (1 house) after the angle.  
For example, astrologers assert that persons born with Mars in the 1st 
house will have that planets' qualities most strongly.  Gauquelin found 
that although the qualities of Mars are correct, persons born in the 
12th house will have those qualities strongest.
Lastly, Gauquelin disproved the astrological belief that children's 
horoscopes (planets in zodiac symbols) are similar to their parents 
(Kepler had been a believer in this).  However, if a parent was born 
with a planet in a strong angle, his or her children also tend to have 
the same planet at the same angle.  This he proved be examining a sample 
of 60,000 births.  Again, this shows that planet angles are powerful, 
but the zodiac is meaningless.  And again, the influential planets were 
the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.  No hereditary influence was 
found for Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto.
Gauquelin ends the book with a chapter on modern obstetrics, 
particularly research that shows that hormones from the fetus induce 
birth (in other words, the fetus decides when it wants to be born).  He 
suggests that this research could lead to explanation of natal 
influences on personality.  In other words, a fetus predisposed to 
"strong will" may be able to sense when Mars rises, or is overhead (and 
have difficulty sensing the setting and IC angles).  The hereditary link 
may also be discovered.
Gauquelin urges astrologers to oppose recent trends towards Caerareans, 
drugs and other techniques to induce birth as a great threat to future 
research into astrology.
Here is the chart for Hermann Goring, Hitler's #2 man and chief of the 
SA and Luftwaffe:
quads% astrolog -o goring
Astrolog (1.40) chart for 12 January 1893 4:00 (GMT 1) 12'09E 48'51N
Body  Locat. Ret. Decl. Rul.      House  Rul.    Placidus Houses.
Moon: 15Sco52   -00 58' (-) [12th house] [-]  -  House cusp  2: 29Sag38
Venu: 25Sag11   +00 49' (-) [ 1st house] [F]  -  House cusp  4: 17Pis42
Mars: 09Ari57   +00 04' (R) [ 4th house] [-]  -  House cusp  5: 17Ari30
Jupi: 16Ari55   -01 14' (-) [ 4th house] [-]  -  House cusp  6: 09Tau49
Satu: 12Lib44   +02 27' (-) [10th house] [R]  -  House cusp  7: 27Tau42
Moon in 12th house: amiable, disorganized, dreamer, easy-going, 
fashionable, friendly, generous, good company, good-hearted, helpful, 
imaginative, impressionable, impulsive, merry, nonchalant, popular, 
socialite, spontaneous, superficial, tolerant
Moon in 12th house: writers, politicians
Mars in 4th house: not a sports champion
Jupiter in 4th house: not an actor
Jupiter in 4th house: not a sports champion, scientist or writer
Jupiter in 4th house: "introvert"
Saturn in 10th house: "not strong will"
Goring was an extremely successful politician, but was hopelessly 
disorganized, prefering lavish living with his many friends and 
collecting art to his official duties.  He was addicted to morphine, and 
did not have strong views on anything.  He appeared to have a strong 
will, in that he gave moving and emotional speeches, but (like many 
politicians) this was "hot air."
My chart:
Astrolog (1.40) chart for 5 April 1962 19:20 (GMT -6) 104'38W 50'30N
Moon: 03Tau02   -04 57' (-) [ 7th house] [-]  -  House cusp  2: 09Sco20
Venu: 02Tau35   -00 31' (R) [ 7th house] [R]  -  House cusp  4: 17Cap45
Mars: 19Pis22   -01 08' (-) [ 5th house] [-]  -  House cusp  5: 22Aqu43
Jupi: 02Pis22   -00 48' (R) [ 5th house] [-]  -  House cusp  6: 21Pis19
Satu: 09Aqu45   -00 28' (R) [ 4th house] [F]  -  House cusp  7: 13Ari43
Moon in 5th house: not a writer
Mars in 5th house: not a sports champion
Mars in 5th house: "introvert"
Jupiter in 5th house: not an actor
Jupiter in 5th house: not a sports champion, scientist or writer
Jupiter in 5th house: "simple"
Saturn in 4th house: not a scientist or physician
Saturn in 4th house: "extrovert"
Saturn in 4th house: not a sports champion, actor, or writer
I enjoy sports, writing, and science, but not enough to do any of these 
professionally.  A personality test I took a few years ago said I was a 
balance between extrovert and introvert.
A friend's one-year-old daughter:
Astrolog (1.40) chart for 5 May 1990 10:47 (GMT -8) 119'01W 33'29N
Moon: 00Lib39   -03 46' (-) [ 3rd house] [-]  -  House cusp  2: 29Leo15
Venu: 01Ari49   -01 25' (F) [ 9th house] [-]  -  House cusp  4: 28Lib07
Mars: 11Pis06   -01 37' (-) [ 8th house] [R]  -  House cusp  5: 03Sag00
Jupi: 07Can46   +00 08' (-) [12th house] [R]  -  House cusp  6: 06Cap33
Satu: 25Cap20 R +00 10' (R) [ 6th house] [-]  -  House cusp  7: 06Aqu36
Venus in 9th house: affable, agreeable, ambiguous, attractive, beloved, 
benevolent, charming, considerate, courteous, elegant, flattering, 
gallant, gracious, juvenile, kind, obliging, pleasant, poetic, polite, 
Mars in 8th house: not a scientist, actor, or writer
Jupiter in 12th house: sports champions, writers, scientists
Jupiter in 12th house: actors, politicians, military leaders, top 
executives, journalists; not a scientist or physician
Saturn in 6th house: not a scientist
The Venus strengths should incline her to be feminine.  Perhaps I will 
suggest to her mother to encourage sports and leadership.  Note that she 
gets contradictory influences for acting, science, and writing.  
Astrologers describe her Jupiter-Saturn Opposition as a number of 
tensions, between herself and others, between moving too fast and moving 
too slow, between starting new projects and finishing old ones.
Let's compare this to traditional astrology (Robert Hand's "Planets in 
Youth").  Jupiter in the 12th house means "...you will be very kind and 
generous toward less fortunate people...a very gentle person who can't 
stand to see others hurt...you probably do not enjoy being in the 
limelight very much.  You prefer to remain humble and quiet...And when 
you are alone, you find comfort in the peace and quiet of your own inner 
These last two sentences are the complete opposite of actors, 
politicians, and military leaders!
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