Όχι μόνο δεν γνωρίζω αλλά θα υπερθεματίσω ζητώντας κι εγώ με τη σειρά μου κάθε δυνατή πληροφορία σχετικά με αυτήν τη μέθοδο και από σένα λίγες ακόμα πληροφορίες για την εμπειρία που αποκόμισες
έχω ένα αστρολογικό software και τουλάχιστον για τη ζωή μου μέχρι τώρα όλα που διάβασα έχουν βγει....και όχι μόνο για μένα , τόλμησα κι έβαλα και φίλους μου , το παίδι μου και μουρλάθηκα .... και πού να δεις όταν τόλμησα και έβαλα το lifetime....! Ρωτάω λοιπόν αν όλα είναι να γίνουν ,,,, εμείς έχουμε τη δυνατόητα αλλαγής ή τσάμπα το παλεύουμε κι ελπίζουμε ?
Ίσως θα ήταν καλύτερο να αφήναμε τη συζήτηση περί ελεύθερης βούλησης και μοίρας, γιατί αφενός το έχουμε εξαντλήσει και κάθε πλευρά εξέθεσε τα επιχειρήματά της, αφετέρου το τι πιστεύει κανείς έχει να κάνει πολύ και με αυτό που ΘΕΛΕΙ να πιστέψει και σε τι φάση της ζωής τον πετυχαίνεις.
Ας πιάσουμε καλύτερα τα firdaria. Όταν λες βγήκαν ακριβώς, πες μας τι εννοείς. Μπορείς να αποκαλύψεις κάποιο γεγονός και ποια ακριβώς ήταν η αστρολογική πρόβλεψη για την περίοδο εκείνη;
Σε ποιό software αναφέρεσαι? Δοκιμάζω αρκετά ωροσκόπια στο site και βλέπω οτι υπάρχει μία γενίκευση η οποία δεν μπορεί να θεωρηθεί πρόβλεψη.
Παρατηρώ οτι πηγαίνει με τις ηλικίες, δηλαδή τα άτομα που γεννήθηκαν την ίδια χρονιά με μένα, βράδυ, έχουν ως το 2015 και ως το μήνα που γεννήθηκαν την ίδια θεματική κυριαρχία ενός πλανήτη.
Εκτός των παραπάνω, δεν μπορώ να φανταστώ οτι η πρώτη περίοδος της ζωής μου από 0 ως 8 ετών κυριαρχήθηκε από το
Moon Period
In these years family matters may become important. There may be a desire to create a family or extend it, to have a child, or to settle down in some place on the Earth, to find one's own home. Also health, life style and emotions can be essential issues. Some important woman can have a major influence on one's life.
Η ελεύθερη βούληση είναι ένα θέμα ακόμα και αν μιλάμε για προόδους και διελεύσεις, σωστά το έθεσε ο astropet , ας μιλήσουμε καλύτερα για το firdarial
Παρόμοιο σύστημα έχει και η ινδική αστρολογία, τις λεγόμενες dashas. Πρέπει να έχουμε κατά νου ότι ήταν μια δύσκολη εποχή και δεν μπορούσε ο αστρολόγος να βγάζει τόσο πολλούς χάρτες με το πάτημα ενός κουμπιού, όπως σήμερα. Γι'αυτό έβγαλαν και κάποια συστήματα πρόβλεψης που δεν χρειαζόταν να φτιάξεις καινούριο χάρτη, όπως τα firdaria ή την πρόβλεψη με τους κυβερνήτες τριπλότητας.
Σε καμία περίπτωση δεν λέω ότι δεν ισχύουν, αλλά μου φαίνονται αρκετά γενικά. Κάτι σαν τις διελεύσεις της μοντέρνας αστρολογίας.
Ψάχνω για το πρόγραμμα για να δω λεπτομέρειες, προφανώς το site δίνει μία γενική ιδέα.
Εννοείς αυτό?
Period: Jupiter subperiod The MoonFrom 7 Jan 2000
to 24 Sep 2001Age 28,6yrs to
30,3yrsLaughter abounds
during this phase of your life. No matter what happens you are able to count
your blessings and see the funny side. You are also feeling generous and able
to give to other people right now. In particular you may enjoy working with
women, or children. Your benevolent nature is likely to inspire others, and
reap rewards for you, too. You are not necessarily seeking recognition, but you
are likely to receive it. As the philosopher Seneca once said, "he that
does good to another, does good also to himself, not only in the consequences,
but in the act; for the consciousness of well-doing is, in itself, ample
reward." This is a joyous and expansive period of your life which you
can easily share with your loved ones. Make the most of the opportunities that
arise, particularly those that occur in your personal and home life. If you are going
through this period in your late 20s then you are experiencing a slightly
different influence of these two planets. In the most positive way you are
being asked to discard childish things and move into adulthood. It is time to
really be honest with yourself about your own personal goals. What do you want
to achieve in your own life? The time for pleasing your parents, or anyone else,
has come to an end. Now you have the chance to really embrace your own personal
dreams. Doors will open. You just have to have the courage to walk through.Planetary
Period: Jupiter subperiod SaturnFrom 24 Sep 2001
to 12 Jun 2003Age 30,3yrs to
32,0yrsNow is the time
to consolidate on the achievements past ten years of your life. If you have
been saving money for a big project then now is the right time for your
investment. If you are in
your early 30s then you may invest in a new house, renovate an existing home or
move to a completely new land that offers new opportunities. This is time to
consider all of your options and make decisions that are in the best interests
of yourself and those nearest and dearest. You need to embrace new opportunities
while also establishing a good foundation because otherwise you will soon feel
restless, in need of change. it is also a good time to reassess your life. You
are a turning point. Perhaps you need to change some of your social contacts.
Friendships may have become stale, not really supporting your goals in life. As
a result these friendships may end. At the very least your friends need to make
adjustments. This is not a good time to lend money to friends. You may receive
wise counsel from a wise elder; in particular your relationship with a
grandfather figure is highlighted. This bond is changing, as are others. Whatever your
age you are well advised to make the most of your assets, reassess your goals
and stay tuned to your sense of purpose. Don't let fear rule your life. Work on
your self-confidence without being too grandiose. You are correct in that
towards the end of this period your life is likely to change so it is up to you
to make sure that you are fulfilling your destiny. (ειχα παντρευτει ,έκανα παιδι και χωρισα,,,,,)
Firdarial ...μέθοδος "μεσαιωνικής" πρόβλεψης απορία
Ας πιάσουμε καλύτερα τα firdaria. Όταν λες βγήκαν ακριβώς, πες μας τι εννοείς. Μπορείς να αποκαλύψεις κάποιο γεγονός και ποια ακριβώς ήταν η αστρολογική πρόβλεψη για την περίοδο εκείνη;
Παρατηρώ οτι πηγαίνει με τις ηλικίες, δηλαδή τα άτομα που γεννήθηκαν την ίδια χρονιά με μένα, βράδυ, έχουν ως το 2015 και ως το μήνα που γεννήθηκαν την ίδια θεματική κυριαρχία ενός πλανήτη.
Εκτός των παραπάνω, δεν μπορώ να φανταστώ οτι η πρώτη περίοδος της ζωής μου από 0 ως 8 ετών κυριαρχήθηκε από το
Moon Period
In these years family matters may become important. There may be a desire to create a family or extend it, to have a child, or to settle down in some place on the Earth, to find one's own home. Also health, life style and emotions can be essential issues. Some important woman can have a major influence on one's life.
Η ελεύθερη βούληση είναι ένα θέμα ακόμα και αν μιλάμε για προόδους και διελεύσεις, σωστά το έθεσε ο astropet , ας μιλήσουμε καλύτερα για το firdarial
Σε καμία περίπτωση δεν λέω ότι δεν ισχύουν, αλλά μου φαίνονται αρκετά γενικά. Κάτι σαν τις διελεύσεις της μοντέρνας αστρολογίας.
Πολύ ωραίο βιβλίο.
Εννοείς αυτό?
Period: Jupiter subperiod The MoonFrom 7 Jan 2000
to 24 Sep 2001Age 28,6yrs to
30,3yrsLaughter abounds
during this phase of your life. No matter what happens you are able to count
your blessings and see the funny side. You are also feeling generous and able
to give to other people right now. In particular you may enjoy working with
women, or children. Your benevolent nature is likely to inspire others, and
reap rewards for you, too. You are not necessarily seeking recognition, but you
are likely to receive it. As the philosopher Seneca once said, "he that
does good to another, does good also to himself, not only in the consequences,
but in the act; for the consciousness of well-doing is, in itself, ample
reward." This is a joyous and expansive period of your life which you
can easily share with your loved ones. Make the most of the opportunities that
arise, particularly those that occur in your personal and home life.
If you are going
through this period in your late 20s then you are experiencing a slightly
different influence of these two planets. In the most positive way you are
being asked to discard childish things and move into adulthood. It is time to
really be honest with yourself about your own personal goals. What do you want
to achieve in your own life? The time for pleasing your parents, or anyone else,
has come to an end. Now you have the chance to really embrace your own personal
dreams. Doors will open. You just have to have the courage to walk through. Planetary
Period: Jupiter subperiod SaturnFrom 24 Sep 2001
to 12 Jun 2003Age 30,3yrs to
32,0yrsNow is the time
to consolidate on the achievements past ten years of your life. If you have
been saving money for a big project then now is the right time for your
investment. If you are in
your early 30s then you may invest in a new house, renovate an existing home or
move to a completely new land that offers new opportunities. This is time to
consider all of your options and make decisions that are in the best interests
of yourself and those nearest and dearest. You need to embrace new opportunities
while also establishing a good foundation because otherwise you will soon feel
restless, in need of change. it is also a good time to reassess your life. You
are a turning point. Perhaps you need to change some of your social contacts.
Friendships may have become stale, not really supporting your goals in life. As
a result these friendships may end. At the very least your friends need to make
adjustments. This is not a good time to lend money to friends. You may receive
wise counsel from a wise elder; in particular your relationship with a
grandfather figure is highlighted. This bond is changing, as are others.
Whatever your
age you are well advised to make the most of your assets, reassess your goals
and stay tuned to your sense of purpose. Don't let fear rule your life. Work on
your self-confidence without being too grandiose. You are correct in that
towards the end of this period your life is likely to change so it is up to you
to make sure that you are fulfilling your destiny.
(ειχα παντρευτει ,έκανα παιδι και χωρισα,,,,,)
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