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Crisis in the eurozone
Απο το καλυτερο ισως blog αστρολογιας απο Ελληνοφωνο χρηστη

Greece's adherence to the eurozone has become a euro-moan. The economy is in its sixth year of contraction and there is little hope of a return to a noticeable growth for the country. It has been almost three years since the first bailout and the poverty is soaring, protesters are regularly taking on the streets and unemployment rate is reaching the 27% mark. Certainly, without the consecutive bailouts combined with austerity measures, Greece could default on its debt. This absolute worst case scenario seems now past, as it was here predicted three years ago. Yet, it is evident that northern Europe is tired of bailing out Greece and the possibility of the disintegration of the euro zone is looming.

Since the beginning of the global economic crisis, allocating the crisis to the repetitive Uranus-Pluto square, many astrologers have indicated the year 2016 as the nearest time point for a probable amelioration of the situation. Yet not astrologers but politicians and technocrats are they who shape the economy and the history of the euro is full of conventions improvised as the project proceeded. Thus, the sole thing astrologers can do is to indicate the match points when the process towards the break-up of the euro zone is likely to accelerate, if intermediate political action is not taken.

Generally speaking, the horoscopes of the seasons for Europe this year have their axes in cardinal and/or mutable signs and this is an indication of swift changes and reversals.
The solar eclipses of May 10 and in particular of November 3 are the turning points affecting the global economy. In the mean time Mercury retrograde (23/2-16/3, 26/6-19/7 and 21/10-9/11) undermines plans and accords agreed during these periods. Saturn retrograde from 18/2 through 7/7 raises obstacles to any serious attempt for restructuring the public sector. Then in 2014 April and May are the months of maximum tension. Other important dates are the following, with a margin of a few days before or after:

  • 2013- March 22, May 20, July 27, August 1, 6 and 21, November 1, December 25 and 31
  • 2014- February 1 and 26, April 19 to 24, June 14 and 25, November 10 and 13
  • 2015- March 11 and 17

The cyclic index of Ganeau for the next three years is auxiliary to this boundary setting. This index, representing the relative positions of the planets, shows that the easier period for the global economy is until May 2013 and temporarily in May 2015. Then a steeper downturn appears.

 Cyclic index

In the final analysis, the leaders of the euro zone can agree on all sorts of rules and austerity programs, but the survival of the euro will remain questionable unless it brings evident economic benefits -in terms of growth, jobs and investment- to every participating state. Until then either astrologers or economists have the right to doubt the continuation of the euro zone in its present form.




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