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Ukraine riots drew dismayed reaction from the West on February 18, when the capital's Independence Square became the epicenter of deadly conflicts between the emonstrators and police. During the last three months, in an enterprise directed by the opposition leaders, people from all over the country were being gathered in the center of Kiev, camping out in freezing weather and demanding the government's ouster. Transfer to Kiev and the daily meal were free of charge in the tents of Euro-Maidan. Travelers from the provinces were also tipped with ten euro per day. Evidently, Ukrainian politics are at a cross-roads and the country is at issue in a geopolitical game between Russia and the West. The lines that follow are a further elaboration of forecasts carried out in my post on the horoscope of New Year 2014. 

Reasons for rioting 

The Orange Revolution swept V. Yanukovych from the office of prime minister in 2004. In 2011, Timoshenko was sentenced to seven years in prison after being charged with abuse of authority. The West saw the punishment as politically motivated. Plus the revenge of a Cancer, someone astrologically savvy could add.  Yet, there are more profound reasons for political riots in Ukraine. The procedure for Ukraine's European integration, which a large majority of the Ukrainian people supports, is currently coming to a standstill. To my view is ending. But had the EU won the tussle, it might have proven an uncomfortable victory, as taking this highly indebted country under its wing could have proven a costly burden. On the other side, Ukraine owes Russia nearly $1.3 billion in unpaid gas bills. Under severe economic pressure from Russia, the Ukrainian President is likewise facing demands to free Timoshenko. 

The astrological setting 

The first big wave of riots, on January 22, erupted as Ukraine marked the National Unification Day - the day in 1919 which brought together that part of the country that had been subjected to Russian rule with that which had been in the Austro-Hungarian empire. The astrological chart of that day in 1919 presents a 9° Cancer Jupiter, a 13° Libra Moon and a 12° Capricorn Mercury. This year, both on January 22 and February 18, the Moon was transiting Libra, activating the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square which is now forming at 10-14° of the Cardinal signs.  The independence of Ukraine from the ex-USSR bloc was proclaimed on 24 August 1991. Probably at 14:31 pm GMT (5:31pm BGT) N. Campion writes, citing information from local astrologers. This chart has the Ascendant at 9° Capricorn, in conjunction to Uranus and Neptune at 11° and 15° Capricorn. By whims of destiny, the personal chart of V. Yanukovych (a L. Rodden's C graded horoscope set for July 9, 1950, 12:15 pm, (Yenakiyevo) has the Asc-Dc at 11° Libra-Aries and the MC-IC axis at 13° Cancer-Capricorn. Uranus and Neptune are on the Ascendant (13° and 15° Libra), Sun and Mercury on the MC (15° and 17° Cancer). So let the wheels of fortune spin in order to present us images of Ukraine's near future:

 a. The country and its President are at a painful crossroads, carried by the ongoing Mars-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto grand cross and 2014 will remain turbulent for Ukraine. As a rule, the important political events throughout the year will take place when the Moon (or any other interior planet) will be transiting the middle of the cardinal signs, especially of Libra. There will be more people’s unrest in April, when re-occurrence of rioting and dramatic events will take place. The intervention of the army for the restoration of order should be ruled out.

b. For V. Yanukovych tr. Uranus in opposition and tr. Pluto square his natal Mars-Neptune until 2016 indicate disarray. Anyhow, tr. Pluto trine natal Saturn and SA progressed Uranus in opposition to his Jupiter in 2015 reveal chances coming from somewhere. So he will remain in power at least until 2015. 

 c.J. Timoshenko (27 November 1960, hour unknown, Dnepropetrovsk) will be freed -most probably next year- and this will be one of the acts of the Ukrainian president to satisfy the West and appease rioters. Yet, with tr. Neptune squaring her Sun and then opposing her Pluto from 2014 onwards, Timoshenko is facing three difficult years ahead. As well, Saturn entering Sagittarius by the end of the year signifies the end of her political saga. 

d. With the SA progressed Saturn conjunct and tr. Saturn squaring the Ukraine Moon in the 2nd house, Ukrainians seem financially depressed and their sense of security will be shaken by surging inflation and gradual devaluation of their currency. A rise of the commodities' prices should not be excluded. Faced with rising debt costs, dwindling reserves and an unstable currency, Ukraine's banks will be hit and investors will be very hesitant to enter Ukraine. 

e. Tr. Saturn squaring successively natal Jupiter, Mercury and Venus which are posited in the 8 house, shows a steady drop in the EU's financial support in 2014-2015, as a counter-measure for the suppression of individual rights in Ukraine. Yet, Jupiter transiting the houses 7-8 from now through 2016 reveals that alliances and financial aid coming elsewhere, evidently from the giant neighbor. 


Despite yesterday’s temporary truce between the government and the opposition leaders, a turbulent semester lies ahead for Ukraine and rioting will be recurring. Civil unrest will soon be met with more austerity measures and the probable use of the armed forces. The event of a direct Russian intervention in Ukraine should be ruled out, but V. Yanukovych and V. Putin will cooperate for the control of the situation. In the end, when Russia will have won the geopolitical game for Ukraine, the West will realize that by losing Ukraine may have sidestepped a gap. -




ΥΓ.Απο ενα σχολιο στο news247, προφανως απο ατομο απο την χωρα:

κάντε κάτι Ελληνες σας παρακαλώ πεθαίνουν άνθρωποι στην ουκρανία , αυτή είναι η δημοκρατία? και δεν είναι δημοκρατικα εκλεγμενη καθώς οι εκλογές στην χώρα μου δεν
διεξάγωνται όπως θα έπρεπε...


Ukraine riots drew dismayed reaction from the West on February 18, when the capital's Independence Square became the epicenter of deadly conflicts between the emonstrators and police. During the last three months, in an enterprise directed by the opposition leaders, people from all over the country were being gathered in the center of Kiev, camping out in freezing weather and demanding the government's ouster. Transfer to Kiev and the daily meal were free of charge in the tents of Euro-Maidan. Travelers from the provinces were also tipped with ten euro per day. Evidently, Ukrainian politics are at a cross-roads and the country is at issue in a geopolitical game between Russia and the West. The lines that follow are a further elaboration of forecasts carried out in my post on the horoscope of New Year 2014.

Reasons for rioting

The Orange Revolution swept V. Yanukovych from the office of prime minister in 2004. In 2011, Timoshenko was sentenced to seven years in prison after being charged with abuse of authority. The West saw the punishment as politically motivated. Plus the revenge of a Cancer, someone astrologically savvy could add.

Yet, there are more profound reasons for political riots in Ukraine. The procedure for Ukraine's European integration, which a large majority of the Ukrainian people supports, is currently coming to a standstill. To my view is ending. But had the EU won the tussle, it might have proven an uncomfortable victory, as taking this highly indebted country under its wing could have proven a costly burden. On the other side, Ukraine owes Russia nearly $1.3 billion in unpaid gas bills. Under severe economic pressure from Russia, the Ukrainian President is likewise facing demands to free Timoshenko.

The astrological setting

The first big wave of riots, on January 22, erupted as Ukraine marked the National Unification Day - the day in 1919 which brought together that part of the country that had been subjected to Russian rule with that which had been in the Austro-Hungarian empire. The astrological chart of that day in 1919 presents a 9° Cancer Jupiter, a 13° Libra Moon and a 12° Capricorn Mercury. This year, both on January 22 and February 18, the Moon was transiting Libra, activating the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square which is now forming at 10-14° of the Cardinal signs.

The independence of Ukraine from the ex-USSR bloc was proclaimed on 24 August 1991. Probably at 14:31 pm GMT (5:31pm BGT) N. Campion writes, citing information from local astrologers. This chart has the Ascendant at 9° Capricorn, in conjunction to Uranus and Neptune at 11° and 15° Capricorn. By whims of destiny, the personal chart of V. Yanukovych (a L. Rodden's C graded horoscope set for July 9, 1950, 12:15 pm, (Yenakiyevo) has the Asc-Dc at 11° Libra-Aries and the MC-IC axis at 13° Cancer-Capricorn. Uranus and Neptune are on the Ascendant (13° and 15° Libra), Sun and Mercury on the MC (15° and 17° Cancer). So let the wheels of fortune spin in order to present us images of Ukraine's near future:

a. The country and its President are at a painful crossroads, carried by the ongoing Mars-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto grand cross and 2014 will remain turbulent for Ukraine. As a rule, the important political events throughout the year will take place when the Moon (or any other interior planet) will be transiting the middle of the cardinal signs, especially of Libra. There will be more people’s unrest in April, when re-occurrence of rioting and dramatic events will take place. The intervention of the army for the restoration of order should be ruled out.

c. For V. Yanukovych tr. Uranus in opposition and tr. Pluto square his natal Mars-Neptune until 2016 indicate disarray. Anyhow, tr. Pluto trine natal Saturn and SA progressed Uranus in opposition to his Jupiter in 2015 reveal chances coming from somewhere. So he will remain in power at least until 2015.

d. J. Timoshenko (27 November 1960, hour unknown, Dnepropetrovsk) will be freed -most probably next year- and this will be one of the acts of the Ukrainian president to satisfy the West and appease rioters. Yet, with tr. Neptune squaring her Sun and then opposing her Pluto from 2014 onwards, Timoshenko is facing three difficult years ahead. As well, Saturn entering Sagittarius by the end of the year signifies the end of her political saga.

e. With the SA progressed Saturn conjunct and tr. Saturn squaring the Ukraine Moon in the 2nd house, Ukrainians seem financially depressed and their sense of security will be shaken by surging inflation and gradual devaluation of their currency. A rise of the commodities' prices should not be excluded. Faced with rising debt costs, dwindling reserves and an unstable currency, Ukraine's banks will be hit and investors will be very hesitant to enter Ukraine.

f. Tr. Saturn squaring successively natal Jupiter, Mercury and Venus which are posited in the 8 house, shows a steady drop in the EU's financial support in 2014-2015, as a counter-measure for the suppression of individual rights in Ukraine. Yet, Jupiter transiting the houses 7-8 from now through 2016 reveals that alliances and financial aid coming elsewhere, evidently from the giant neighbor.


Despite yesterday’s temporary truce between the government and the opposition leaders, a turbulent semester lies ahead for Ukraine and rioting will be recurring. Civil unrest will soon be met with more austerity measures and the probable use of the armed forces. The event of a direct Russian intervention in Ukraine should be ruled out, but V. Yanukovych and V. Putin will cooperate for the control of the situation. In the end, when Russia will have won the geopolitical game for Ukraine, the West will realize that by losing Ukraine may have sidestepped a gap.

- See more at: http://orion.jigsy.com/entries/mundane/ukraine-riots#sthash.NfahWZ1W.dpuf


Ukraine riots drew dismayed reaction from the West on February 18, when the capital's Independence Square became the epicenter of deadly conflicts between the emonstrators and police. During the last three months, in an enterprise directed by the opposition leaders, people from all over the country were being gathered in the center of Kiev, camping out in freezing weather and demanding the government's ouster. Transfer to Kiev and the daily meal were free of charge in the tents of Euro-Maidan. Travelers from the provinces were also tipped with ten euro per day. Evidently, Ukrainian politics are at a cross-roads and the country is at issue in a geopolitical game between Russia and the West. The lines that follow are a further elaboration of forecasts carried out in my post on the horoscope of New Year 2014.

Reasons for rioting

The Orange Revolution swept V. Yanukovych from the office of prime minister in 2004. In 2011, Timoshenko was sentenced to seven years in prison after being charged with abuse of authority. The West saw the punishment as politically motivated. Plus the revenge of a Cancer, someone astrologically savvy could add.

Yet, there are more profound reasons for political riots in Ukraine. The procedure for Ukraine's European integration, which a large majority of the Ukrainian people supports, is currently coming to a standstill. To my view is ending. But had the EU won the tussle, it might have proven an uncomfortable victory, as taking this highly indebted country under its wing could have proven a costly burden. On the other side, Ukraine owes Russia nearly $1.3 billion in unpaid gas bills. Under severe economic pressure from Russia, the Ukrainian President is likewise facing demands to free Timoshenko.

The astrological setting

The first big wave of riots, on January 22, erupted as Ukraine marked the National Unification Day - the day in 1919 which brought together that part of the country that had been subjected to Russian rule with that which had been in the Austro-Hungarian empire. The astrological chart of that day in 1919 presents a 9° Cancer Jupiter, a 13° Libra Moon and a 12° Capricorn Mercury. This year, both on January 22 and February 18, the Moon was transiting Libra, activating the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square which is now forming at 10-14° of the Cardinal signs.

The independence of Ukraine from the ex-USSR bloc was proclaimed on 24 August 1991. Probably at 14:31 pm GMT (5:31pm BGT) N. Campion writes, citing information from local astrologers. This chart has the Ascendant at 9° Capricorn, in conjunction to Uranus and Neptune at 11° and 15° Capricorn. By whims of destiny, the personal chart of V. Yanukovych (a L. Rodden's C graded horoscope set for July 9, 1950, 12:15 pm, (Yenakiyevo) has the Asc-Dc at 11° Libra-Aries and the MC-IC axis at 13° Cancer-Capricorn. Uranus and Neptune are on the Ascendant (13° and 15° Libra), Sun and Mercury on the MC (15° and 17° Cancer). So let the wheels of fortune spin in order to present us images of Ukraine's near future:

a. The country and its President are at a painful crossroads, carried by the ongoing Mars-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto grand cross and 2014 will remain turbulent for Ukraine. As a rule, the important political events throughout the year will take place when the Moon (or any other interior planet) will be transiting the middle of the cardinal signs, especially of Libra. There will be more people’s unrest in April, when re-occurrence of rioting and dramatic events will take place. The intervention of the army for the restoration of order should be ruled out.

c. For V. Yanukovych tr. Uranus in opposition and tr. Pluto square his natal Mars-Neptune until 2016 indicate disarray. Anyhow, tr. Pluto trine natal Saturn and SA progressed Uranus in opposition to his Jupiter in 2015 reveal chances coming from somewhere. So he will remain in power at least until 2015.

d. J. Timoshenko (27 November 1960, hour unknown, Dnepropetrovsk) will be freed -most probably next year- and this will be one of the acts of the Ukrainian president to satisfy the West and appease rioters. Yet, with tr. Neptune squaring her Sun and then opposing her Pluto from 2014 onwards, Timoshenko is facing three difficult years ahead. As well, Saturn entering Sagittarius by the end of the year signifies the end of her political saga.

e. With the SA progressed Saturn conjunct and tr. Saturn squaring the Ukraine Moon in the 2nd house, Ukrainians seem financially depressed and their sense of security will be shaken by surging inflation and gradual devaluation of their currency. A rise of the commodities' prices should not be excluded. Faced with rising debt costs, dwindling reserves and an unstable currency, Ukraine's banks will be hit and investors will be very hesitant to enter Ukraine.

f. Tr. Saturn squaring successively natal Jupiter, Mercury and Venus which are posited in the 8 house, shows a steady drop in the EU's financial support in 2014-2015, as a counter-measure for the suppression of individual rights in Ukraine. Yet, Jupiter transiting the houses 7-8 from now through 2016 reveals that alliances and financial aid coming elsewhere, evidently from the giant neighbor.


Despite yesterday’s temporary truce between the government and the opposition leaders, a turbulent semester lies ahead for Ukraine and rioting will be recurring. Civil unrest will soon be met with more austerity measures and the probable use of the armed forces. The event of a direct Russian intervention in Ukraine should be ruled out, but V. Yanukovych and V. Putin will cooperate for the control of the situation. In the end, when Russia will have won the geopolitical game for Ukraine, the West will realize that by losing Ukraine may have sidestepped a gap.

- See more at: http://orion.jigsy.com/entries/mundane/ukraine-riots#sthash.NfahWZ1W.dpuf




Ukraine riots drew dismayed reaction from the West on February 18, when the capital's Independence Square became the epicenter of deadly conflicts between the emonstrators and police. During the last three months, in an enterprise directed by the opposition leaders, people from all over the country were being gathered in the center of Kiev, camping out in freezing weather and demanding the government's ouster. Transfer to Kiev and the daily meal were free of charge in the tents of Euro-Maidan. Travelers from the provinces were also tipped with ten euro per day. Evidently, Ukrainian politics are at a cross-roads and the country is at issue in a geopolitical game between Russia and the West. The lines that follow are a further elaboration of forecasts carried out in my post on the horoscope of New Year 2014.

Reasons for rioting

The Orange Revolution swept V. Yanukovych from the office of prime minister in 2004. In 2011, Timoshenko was sentenced to seven years in prison after being charged with abuse of authority. The West saw the punishment as politically motivated. Plus the revenge of a Cancer, someone astrologically savvy could add.

Yet, there are more profound reasons for political riots in Ukraine. The procedure for Ukraine's European integration, which a large majority of the Ukrainian people supports, is currently coming to a standstill. To my view is ending. But had the EU won the tussle, it might have proven an uncomfortable victory, as taking this highly indebted country under its wing could have proven a costly burden. On the other side, Ukraine owes Russia nearly $1.3 billion in unpaid gas bills. Under severe economic pressure from Russia, the Ukrainian President is likewise facing demands to free Timoshenko.

The astrological setting

The first big wave of riots, on January 22, erupted as Ukraine marked the National Unification Day - the day in 1919 which brought together that part of the country that had been subjected to Russian rule with that which had been in the Austro-Hungarian empire. The astrological chart of that day in 1919 presents a 9° Cancer Jupiter, a 13° Libra Moon and a 12° Capricorn Mercury. This year, both on January 22 and February 18, the Moon was transiting Libra, activating the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square which is now forming at 10-14° of the Cardinal signs.

The independence of Ukraine from the ex-USSR bloc was proclaimed on 24 August 1991. Probably at 14:31 pm GMT (5:31pm BGT) N. Campion writes, citing information from local astrologers. This chart has the Ascendant at 9° Capricorn, in conjunction to Uranus and Neptune at 11° and 15° Capricorn. By whims of destiny, the personal chart of V. Yanukovych (a L. Rodden's C graded horoscope set for July 9, 1950, 12:15 pm, (Yenakiyevo) has the Asc-Dc at 11° Libra-Aries and the MC-IC axis at 13° Cancer-Capricorn. Uranus and Neptune are on the Ascendant (13° and 15° Libra), Sun and Mercury on the MC (15° and 17° Cancer). So let the wheels of fortune spin in order to present us images of Ukraine's near future:

a. The country and its President are at a painful crossroads, carried by the ongoing Mars-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto grand cross and 2014 will remain turbulent for Ukraine. As a rule, the important political events throughout the year will take place when the Moon (or any other interior planet) will be transiting the middle of the cardinal signs, especially of Libra. There will be more people’s unrest in April, when re-occurrence of rioting and dramatic events will take place. The intervention of the army for the restoration of order should be ruled out.

c. For V. Yanukovych tr. Uranus in opposition and tr. Pluto square his natal Mars-Neptune until 2016 indicate disarray. Anyhow, tr. Pluto trine natal Saturn and SA progressed Uranus in opposition to his Jupiter in 2015 reveal chances coming from somewhere. So he will remain in power at least until 2015.

d. J. Timoshenko (27 November 1960, hour unknown, Dnepropetrovsk) will be freed -most probably next year- and this will be one of the acts of the Ukrainian president to satisfy the West and appease rioters. Yet, with tr. Neptune squaring her Sun and then opposing her Pluto from 2014 onwards, Timoshenko is facing three difficult years ahead. As well, Saturn entering Sagittarius by the end of the year signifies the end of her political saga.

e. With the SA progressed Saturn conjunct and tr. Saturn squaring the Ukraine Moon in the 2nd house, Ukrainians seem financially depressed and their sense of security will be shaken by surging inflation and gradual devaluation of their currency. A rise of the commodities' prices should not be excluded. Faced with rising debt costs, dwindling reserves and an unstable currency, Ukraine's banks will be hit and investors will be very hesitant to enter Ukraine.

f. Tr. Saturn squaring successively natal Jupiter, Mercury and Venus which are posited in the 8 house, shows a steady drop in the EU's financial support in 2014-2015, as a counter-measure for the suppression of individual rights in Ukraine. Yet, Jupiter transiting the houses 7-8 from now through 2016 reveals that alliances and financial aid coming elsewhere, evidently from the giant neighbor.


Despite yesterday’s temporary truce between the government and the opposition leaders, a turbulent semester lies ahead for Ukraine and rioting will be recurring. Civil unrest will soon be met with more austerity measures and the probable use of the armed forces. The event of a direct Russian intervention in Ukraine should be ruled out, but V. Yanukovych and V. Putin will cooperate for the control of the situation. In the end, when Russia will have won the geopolitical game for Ukraine, the West will realize that by losing Ukraine may have sidestepped a gap.

- See more at: http://orion.jigsy.com/entries/mundane/ukraine-riots#sthash.NfahWZ1W.dpuf


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