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Σεληνιακη εκλειψη Απριλης 2014



April 15th marks the first of two full lunar eclipses for 2014.  This full moon will be passing through the sign of Libra, emphasizing relationships of all sorts.  Full moons reveal situations so you may be seeing things more clearly.  Lunar energy is also linked to emotions, security needs and our habit patterns.  This full moon may be shining a silvery light onto a new path you are meant to take in life. Major life transitions often occur with eclipses.  Weary, worn parts of our lives may get eclipsed, making room for new people, ideas and exciting events to be heralded in. Usually these changes are not sudden but have been brewing in the wings for a long while.

Sometimes, however, eclipses can be the wild card in the game of 5 card stud! When that happens, expect transformative change to flip your life upside down.   How you choose to ride this tsunami is up to you.  Best piece of advice:  The Universe never tosses you a joker unless you are ready to handle it or need it to grow.  Look to the houses affected to see where the major life events might unfold.  And remember, follow the north node of the moon…that is where your greatest blessings lie for they will help to bring in the new experiences you need to stay on top of the chaos.

During this Libran eclipse,  try to see things through the eyes of the other people in your life.  Balance and harmony will help you to sort things out.  How can you change your relationship energy to make you a better person?  If you aren’t happy with the relationships around you, what can you do to improve them? You are closing down a 19 year cycle with this eclipse, so look backwards in time and reflect on all that you have learned so you can carry those gifts forward onto your newly emerging path.

As you continue your cosmic journey, consider a few things. How heavy is your baggage?  Are you carrying things from long ago that are simply weighing you down?  Is all that “stuff” still necessary or good for you?  If you don’t like what you have co-created, what can you change about your interactions with others that can help you to achieve better results?  Since eclipses can sometimes indicate a loss, take this opportunity to learn what you need to in order to move forward.

At the same time that the eclipse is happening, the Grand Cardinal Cross is solidifying once again in April, so you are likely feeling yanked in all directions. The Universe is asking you to let go of that which no longer serves your higher self. Make choices that will empower you as a spiritual being.  If you have felt dead or stagnant in your life, now is the time for  positive growth in a different direction. The wild card aspect of the eclipse is likely to surprise you if you have been unwilling to make the changes your life is screaming for…that is when “surprises” happen.  Time to quit bluffing.  Put your true cards on the table and ante up.  Trying to maintain a poker face and a false handful of cards is no longer going to fool anyone.

While the eclipse is eclipsing and the Grand Cardinal Cross is stretching you, consider that there are even more energies afoot that add complexity to what is going on.  Hovering near the south node of the moon, you will also find the Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Juno, all in the firy sign of Aries.  (Think trail blazer, rebellion, independence, progressive thinking, cutting edge ideas and brutal honesty.) These are in direct opposition to the moon, the north node, Ceres and Mars in Libra. (Cooperation, working things out within a group, social networking, finding a means to feed your soul, drive for achieving your goals).

With rocket fuel loaded at the tail end of this eclipse (south node in Aries) there is bound to be a lot of fire, will, instability and excitement but this can all prove to be a bit disruptive if the energy is not harnessed well.  Aries likes to blaze new paths but it doesn’t always come up with long-range plans.  So though the ride is sure to be hair-raising and exciting, it might be good to think a little about your final destination point as well.  Balance your maverick, new age edge with the thoughts, needs and opinions of others. Planning and networking with others (Mars in Libra) may be in order. We are all wired completely differently and we do not see things the same way.

Allow yourself to explore new ideas.  Remember, our spirits want to breathe us! As with all oppositions, you simply need to balance the duality of self vs. other (Aries vs. Libra)….and yet have the nerve to close the chapters in our lives that really need to be closed.

Alexander Graham Bell put it well when he said, “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”  The Universe always provides an open door…so focus forward my friends, and let your spirits soar on through it.


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