It’s a significant event when Saturn changes signs, because the “reality check” planet brings its rules to a new area of life. On December 23rd, 2014, Saturn will enter Sagittarius. The sign of expansion will host Saturn until December 19th, 2017 (except for an Rx dip back into Scorpio from June 14th, 2015 – September 17th, 2015). Read on to see how this might impact relationships in general, as limits are applied to a sign that’s about going beyond the limits.
First, a quick review of what this fire sign represents. Expansion and exploration are the first words that come to mind when Sagittarius is mentioned. But those are umbrella terms that cover belief systems, philosophy, truth, religion, education and legal matters. Sagittarius sees the big picture (hence its reputation for being a generalist). The understanding of how it all fits together makes it intuitive, but details are often sacrificed in favor of a general truth. The Sagittarius approach to life is optimistic; its orientation towards the horizon means that there is always more out there and things can get better. Sag asks “Why not?”
Along comes Saturn, with an answer that will be along the lines of “Because.” Full stop. Saturn brings results, so we could see a line in the sand for some relationship ideals or truths. Some may be seeking proof to back up their relationship philosophy, and Saturn will offer that proof. But Saturn can just as easily offer the reality that disproves those philosophies. I’m referring to the concept of commitment versus freedom, or monogamy versus open (polyamorous) unions. There may be a pronounced focus (Saturn) on these ideas. In a previous article I wrote on open relationships, I noted that Sagittarius seemed to be one of the signs that was emphasized in the charts of people who were in open relationships.
Saturn formalizes, and this may happen in Sagittarius. It won’t be enough to make grandiose declarations of love, or weave exciting stories for a relationship’s future. Saturn will demand concrete plans, and proof to back those plans up. Saturn in Sagittarius will insist that you walk the talk. I think (in a similar way to Saturn’s transit of Libra) we may see more marriages and divorces. But rather than formalizing relationships (Libra) Saturn in Sag will be formalizing the promises, hopes and philosophies of those relationships. People will be asking what being in a relationship means. Some will be ready to apply rules to their relationship ideals, while others will discover that the future they envisioned does not match their partner’s ideal. Sagittarius represents legal issues, and marriage/divorce are legal matters. The end result may be similar to Saturn in Libra, but it’s coming from a different level. In a similar vein, Sag’s energy of generalization will be constricted. People will zero in on truths and lies in relationships, focusing on the details behind the sales pitch. Faith (in your partner, in the idea of love/trust/commitment) will be put to the test.
Sagittarius and Libra sextile each other, so relationships that were formalized when Saturn was in Libra may be pushed to nail down the next step on the journey. This could be a case of “Where do we go from here? Are we on the same page?” This would most likely occur when Saturn sextiles the degree it was at in Libra on the day you got married, or the day you decided to become exclusive with your partner. A sextile is harmonious, so this shouldn’t be a stressful time. It will be a gentle push to delineate your shared hopes for the future. Again, the shift from big picture to specifics. Taking the partnership’s future and anchoring it in the present.
The possible downside to Saturn in Sag is the potential for rigid belief systems and strict religious ideology. Saturn crystallizes, and while one would hope that Sag’s freeing influence would prevail, the Shadow side of this sign is fanatical adherence to certain “truths.” There may be a risk that some of the progress we’ve seen around same-sex marriage could backslide. I don’t think it will be totally undone (you can’t reverse the flow of evolution) but Saturn in Sag does suggest the manifestation of authority for a type of teacher or guru. And if his/her teachings are rooted in fear, a non-traditional relationship model may be a target.
But this is speculation, not a prediction. Overall, I think Saturn’s transit of Sagittarius will push people to become specific about what they envision for their love life, and how they’re going make that happen. Faith in love and companionship will be tested, proven or disproved. Ideals about being with another person will be confronted with reality. For some, this may be a harsh wake-up call. For others, it will enable them to manifest what they’ve always hoped for. In all cases, truth will be become the driving force in unions and break-ups. Stay tuned over the next two weeks as I explore the specifics of this transit’s impact on relationships for the mutable signs and fire signs.
Ο καθένας έχει τη δική του οπτική γωνία.
Η δική μας είναι η αισιοδοξία.
Θενκς φορ γιορ τάιμ Διδύμι.
Αλλά σε παίρνει και σένα η μπάλα..
Ειδάλλως σιγά μην έπεφτε το κατεβατό.
για σενα θα εχω ευκαιρο ενα αγιασμο ρε παιδακι μου κ λιγο αρτο ευλογημενο απτη μονη κυπριανου κ ιουστινας
Αλλά οι Κρόνιοι διαθέτουν ένα σαρκαστικό χιούμορ που εκτιμώ ιδιαιτέρως!
Τώρα σιγά σιγά μπαίνει στο 5ο μου...
Ό,τι κ αν συμβεί, ξέρω πως τουλάχιστον...δε θα μου κοπεί η όρεξη!