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ΑΠο το το http://www.elsaelsa.com/astrology/2014/05/06/saturn-in-sagittarius-2015-2017/

Το Stardome να δουμε ποτε θα μας κανει την τιμη...


I hope you’ll indulge me as I continue to look ahead, beyond the Cardinal grand cross, I’m so sick of.  I am sick of GRIDLOCK, aren’t you?  It won’t last forever. I want to look ahead.

Many know, this may as well be called, ElsaElsa – The Saturn Blog. I always cover Saturn transits, in depth, relentlessly.  This is not going to change!

I expect traditional (Saturn) religion (Sagittarius) to become more popular. I also expect more oppression of organized religions. There are clear signs of both these things in the news, and on the streets today. Bottom line, religion is going to be in the forefront, and there is going to be pressure.

We’ll see something similar in the field of education (Sagittarius), as the government (Saturn) imposes more regulations.  Lots of pressure will come of this as well.

Separate but related, access to “higher education” is likely to be reduced. This is for good and/or ill.

Commitment (Saturn) will come into vogue as people will see the benefits (Sagittarius) of it. Not in relationships necessarily, or exclusively. I’m talking about commitment to your beliefs, whatever they may be.  And those beliefs (Sadge) will become more defined (Saturn).

Solid upside with be more attractive then potential of unlimited upside.  People will seek (Sagittarius) real (Saturn) opportunity, as pie in the sky becomes passe.

People will stand up for what they believe…and perhaps be crushed for it. Others will be afraid to stand for what they believe, effectively crushing themselves.

If you want to get a jump on this (Virgos and other teacher’s pets), plan (Saturn) on maturing your philosophy (Jupiter). If you beliefs are childlike, or have no basis, think about how you’re going to remedy this.

Expect to hear phrases like “spiritual foundation”, whether you have one of those or not. “Religious base” is another concept that will become relevant again.

The publishing industry will also come into focus and people resist authority who wish to control the press and other forms of free expression.

Overall, I think Saturn in Sagittarius will shock people by delivering a real education. I think this is good, because a fake education won’t take you very far for very long!


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