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PROS OTHEREVE(Sorry paidia alla den apothikeuotan to sxolio opote to grafw edw...)

  • sgouromallousa @ 04.09.2007 20:09
    Asimvivasti eyxomai na sinexiseis na skeftesai etsi!!!filia glikia moy!
  • Asumbibasth @ 04.09.2007 20:38
    Se eyxaristw polu sgouromallousa mou mou tonwneis to h8iko!!eyxomai na sai kalaaa!!eee??k na ta pigaineis kala k me exetastikh!filia polla!
  • Other Eve @ 06.09.2007 22:11
    Asumbibasth είσαι πολύ τυχερή που παίρνεις άγάπη τέτοια ώστε να ξεχνάς τις πρακτικές δυσκολίες, όπως είναι η απόσταση! Αυτός είναι άλλωστε ο έρωτας!! Ομως η Othereve είναι όντως ερωτευμένη ή απλά είχε ένα απωθημένο που σβήνει? Οταν είμαστε ερωτευμένοι σκεφτόμαστε τόοοοοσο πολύ??
  • OtherEve @ 06.09.2007 22:25
    Asumbibasth mou katarxas sugnwmh pou arghsa toso na apanyhsw alla eixa kamposes meres na mpw sto site! 8a sumfwnhsw me th lillyt78 ws pros auto pou les gia to oti apo th meria tou pairneis tetoia agaph pou se kanei na ta 3exnas ta diafora peri apostashs klp!!
  • OtherEve @ 06.09.2007 22:31
    Oso gia mena nai men apofasisa na zhsw th sxesh me to kainourio paidi alla mou prokalei arketes anasfaleies k auto me tromazei k erxetai se antipara8esh me thn asfaleia k thn hremia tou prwhn, pou einai ontws shmantikh gia mena alla kserw epishs oti den ftanei... Ase pou genika sth zwh mou skeftomai uperbolika polu (wroskopos gar!) Pantws xarhka polu pou mou esteiles!!
  • Other Eve @ 06.09.2007 22:46
    Και προς τι τόσος προβληματισμος αν εισαι ερωτευμενη othereve? Αφου ουτως η αλλως δεν υπάρχουν εγγυησεις...
  • Other Eve @ 06.09.2007 22:49
    Ρωταω γιατι κι εγω παρομοια φαση περναω και αναρωτιεμαι αν οταν ειναι καποιος ερωτευμενος μπορει να το ξερει σιγουρα. Μπορει?
  • OtherEve @ 06.09.2007 22:53
    Lillyt78 gia na sou ginei kapoios apw8hmeno, shmainei oti niw8eis polu entona pragmata gia auton. Kapws etsi den einai ki o erwtas?
  • OtherEve @ 06.09.2007 22:54
    Epipleon, den kserw an 8a paei kala h sxesh auth pou ksekinhsa alla nomizw pws eimai erwteumenh. Etsi dhlwnw toulaxiston! Ki as einai polu avolh sxesh polles fores...
  • OtherEve @ 06.09.2007 23:03
  • Other Eve @ 07.09.2007 10:20
  • OtherEve @ 07.09.2007 10:48
    kalhmera k apo mena!!
  • Asumbibasth @ 10.09.2007 00:12
    Geia sas paidakiana mai k gw Othereve m xairomai pou se "xanablepw" ....diavasa ta sxoliakia...Lillyt mou exeis dikio...an eisai erwteumenos de skeftesai toooso,k nai pote den pairneis egguhseis gia to mellon...pragmatika othereve mou prospathw na vrw to logo pou skeftesai toso polu...entaxei prospernaw tis zwdiakes epirroes...wroskopo klp...akoma pantws...meta apo kaopio alfa diasthma pou eisai me ton toxoth niwtheis thn anasfaleia...auto mou kanei entupwsh...mipws kati thes k de sto dinei??sunaisthimatika klp??kapou les "einai avolh sxesh polles fores"...ara kati se provlhmatixei...e?to xeis suzhthsei me to paidi??
  • OtherEve @ 11.09.2007 12:02
    Kalimera! Epitelous ksanamphka sto site! Trexw polu autes tis meres k den prolabainw! Asumbibasth mou ti kaneis? Ola kala me to paidi?
  • OtherEve @ 11.09.2007 12:16
    Gia auto pou mou les, nai, niw8w abola pou k pou, mallon epeidh einai polu koinonikos k me tis kopeles, klp k me kanei na zhlebw kapoies fores. Mou prokalei genika kapoies anasfaleies.. Les na einai diko mou to problhma?
  • OtherEve @ 11.09.2007 12:18
    K to asteio einai oti paroti menoume k oi duo sthn A8hna, eimaste se toso makrines perioxes pou einai polu duskolo na bre8oume, mias k den dia8etei metaforiko meso akoma... Isws na ftaiei k to oti me ton prohgoumeno eixa sunh8isei alliws. Apla na kseboleuthka h mou leipoun perissotera? Exete dikio...skeftomai para poluuu....Den kserw giati akribws..
  • OtherEve @ 12.09.2007 14:58
    Asumbibasth?? eisai mes to site twra na ta poume ligo? (an den me petaksei pali to internet!!)
  • Asumbibasth @ 14.09.2007 22:23
    Geia sou Othereve dustuxws eixa kapoies meres na mpw....diavasma klp...egw mia xara me to paidi...Hr8e Athina na me dei...hmastan gia mia mera mazi...!!alla htan toso wraia!!e...meta eprepe na fugei...alla to oti hr8e k malista apo para polu makria...axx...ti na sou pw...me kanei k mena na thelw na palepsw, na mhn ton xasw..ftou ftou na mh mas matiasw tespa, elpizw na se petyxw kapoia stigmh mesa na ta poume k se real time exeis prob me th sundesh e??...pou les...h dunamh ths sunh8eias...ena megalo pragma...k egw me ton prwhn mou mename sthn idia geitonia sxedon...ola teleia apo auth thn apopsh...k eixe k autos metaforiko meso...twra me to paidi auto, ton kainourio mas xwrizoun xlmetrikes apostaseis k alla probs...(eides telika exoume koina e?)k gw eixa sunh8isei alliws...alla xereis kati??se auth th zwh den mporoume na ta exoume ola dika mas!as poume me ton prwhn fainomenika htan ola teleia... alla ti na to kaneis...na eisai konta alla telika "makria"??....Anyway,to thema den einai sto ksevolema opws les...etsi pisteuw dld...nomizw oti to thema 3ekina apo mesa sou...giati an den eniwthes tis anasfaleies pou les...tote oute h apostash oute tpt de tha se enoiaze...profanws einai diaforetikos xarakthras apo ton prwhn sou...k mallon prepei na palepseis mesa sou...me tous dikous sou daimones, tis anasfaleies sou...se sxesh me auta pou les oti de sou aresoun...anyway,twra egw sth thesh sou..."kompsa" tha tou to etheta kapws to thema an me enoxlouse toso pou na to skeftomai...dld kapws 8a tou anefera auto pou aisthanomai...xwris vevaia na ton agxwsw...nomizw san zygina eisai k diplwmatissa ston tropo pou ekfrazesai etsi?

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