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Your Attraction Profile - Who You Attract And Why

WILD IS THE WIND  -  DAVID BOWIE - (1976) 02231.jpg


Think about your love life. Notice any patterns? The way you act around someone youʼre attracted to. The type of person youʼre attracted to.

The type of person that always seems to be attracted to you. Put it all together and you have an attraction profile.

Can you see this profile by looking at your natal chart? You bet. Read on to discover how an astrological attraction profile works, and gain some insight into your (or someone elseʼs) love life. Note: a birth time is required, since this information is based on the signs that the start of each house (the cusp) falls in. Sound confusing? Think of the natal chart as a roulette wheel with the signs spinning around and the houses remaining in one place. The time you were born determines where each sign will stop on the wheel.

 If you have Pisces in your First House (your rising sign), your Second House will likely start in Aries, Third House in Taurus, etc. The areas of your life that the houses represent do not change, but what you do in those areas depends on the different signs.



I Want You: What You Do When Youʼre Attracted to Someone


The Second House represents what you want and what you do to attract someone. If youʼd like to dress this statement up, you can say itʼs what you do when youʼre courting. So if your Second House cusp is in Gemini, you might try to impress the object of your affection with your wit and intellect (verbal foreplay). But letʼs take it one step further. Letʼs say the ruler of Gemini, Mercury, is in Cancer in your chart. This would modify your talkative displays, making you somewhat shy. Youʼd want to engage them in one-on-one conversation.


Youʼre My Type: Who You View as Your “Ideal” Partner


The Seventh House represents the one-on-one partnerships in your life and the qualities you are drawn to in a partner. Itʼs also where you project the attributes you have but do not acknowledge. Think about any long-term relationship youʼve had. As it progressed, did you find certain patterns of behavior emerging? Letʼs say you have Scorpio on the Seventh House cusp. You may be drawn to intense partners who engage in power struggles with you. But after being in these relationships for a while, you might notice that you start to exhibit some of this intense, controlling behavior as well.


You Again: Who You Attract Instinctively


Now we step away from the partnership zone and into the shadows of the Eighth House. Dark and primal, the Eighth indicates whom we draw to us without even trying. How do you recognize these people? They give you the strongest, most visceral reaction. You may be overwhelmingly attracted to them and/or repulsed by them, but their effect on you will never be casual. If you have Aquarius on the Eighth House cusp, you attract the rebels, misfits and outsiders. There is either a deep emotional and sexual connection or you canʼt stand them. If you have Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) conjunct your Moon, you will probably be very comfortable around these folks. If Uranus is in an edgy square to your Saturn, you will probably find them disruptive and wish that they would leave you alone.


Youʼre my Soul Mate: Your Ultimate Other


In my article on the Twelfth House, I stated that it is “… where you let go of all superficial attachments. Evolutionary astrologers refer to it as the house of the Ultimate Other (Spirit or higher power). So when your partnerʼs planets fall in this house, there is the potential for that person to become your Ultimate Other. No, not your personal deity. Rather, they could help you get in touch with your higher self.”

These are the people who see past your facade. This has the potential to be heavenly and terrifying in equal measure. If your Twelfth House cusp is in Aries, itʼs the aggressive straight shooters who charge past all your defenses. Now letʼs say your Mars, the ruler of Aries, is in Capricorn. These people might be in a position of authority over you. They are definitely ambitious types and supporters of the status quo.



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