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Ballada para un loco



Kai h metafrash twn stixwn:



The afternoons in Buenos Aires have this... well, you know.
You leave your house down Arenales Avenue.
The usual : on the street and in me...
Then suddenly, from behind a tree,
he shows up.

Rare mix of the next to last tramp
and the first stowaway on a trip to Venus:
a half melon on the head,
a striped shirt painted on the skin,
two leather soles nailed to the fet,
and a taxi-for-hire flag up in each hand.

Ha ha! But only I can see him:
because he moves among the people
and the mannequins wink at him,
the traffic lights flash him three lights sky-blue
and the oranges at the corner grocery stand
cast their blossoms at him.
And that this way, half dancing, half flying,
He removes the melon to greet me.
He gives me a little flag and he tells me...


l know I'm crazy, crazy, crazy...
don't you see the moon rolling through Callao;
a second line of astronauts and children
waltzing around me... Dance! Come! Fly!

I know I'm crazy, I'm crazy, I'm crazy...
I see Buenos Aires from a sparrow's nest;
and I saw you so sad... Come! Fly! Feel!...
the crazy desire I have for you:

Crazy! Crazy! Crazy!
As darkness sets in your porteña loneliness,
by the shores of your bedsheet I'll come
with a poem and a trombone
to keep your heart sleepless.

Crazy! Crazy! Crazy!
Like a demented acrobat I'll dive,
into the abyss of your cleavage 'till I feel
I drove your heart crazy with freedom.
You'll see!


And so saying, the crazy invites me
to ride on his super sport illusion,
and we're going to run over the cornices
with a swallow in the engine.
From Vieytes they applaud: "Hooray! Hooray!",
the nuts who invented Love,
and an angel, a soldier and a girl
give us a dancing waltz.

The beautiful people come out to say hello.
And the crazy, my crazy, I don't know!;
he causes a stridency of bells with his laugh,
and finally, he looks at you, and sings softly


Love me this way I am, crazy, crazy, crazy...
climb up into my insane tenderness,
don a wig of larks on your head and fly!
Fly with me now! Come! Fly! Come!

Love me the way I am, crazy, crazy, crazy...
open up your love, we are going to attempt
the crazy magic of reviving...
Come , fly , come! Trai-lai-lai-larara!


Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Crazy him and crazy me...
Crazy! Crazy! Crazy!
Crazy him and crazy me.


Σχόλια:    Αξιολόγηση:
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Αξιολόγηση: χωρίς αξιολόγηση

έχουν γενέθλια 223 μέλη.

γιορτάζουν οι: Αγνή, Μάξιμος, Πάτροκλος


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