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οψεις αφροδιτης

  • aurio @ 21.01.2013 15:46
    emena ha afrodith einai 28 moires kio poseidwnas 23 & opou exw upologisei genethlio sto net mou bgazei sunodo
  • mpoumpou255 @ 21.01.2013 15:50
    εμενα ενα προγραμμα μου εβγαλε μεχρι και 9 μοιρες διαφορα για συνοδο και ειχα απορια γιατι η αφροδιτη μου ειναι γενικως χτυπημενη.....
  • aurio @ 21.01.2013 16:07
    eksartatai kiapo thn opsh


    See also Cazimi, Combust

    A conjunction (abrv. Con) is an angle of approximately 0-10°. An orb of approximately 10°[3] is usually considered a conjunction, however if neither the Sun or Moon is involved, some consider the conjunction to be a separation (orb) of only about 0±08°. This is said to be the most powerful aspect, intensifying the effects of the involved planets mutually — and being a major point in the chart.

    [edit] Sextile — intermediate major/minor aspect

    A sextile (abrv. SXt or Sex) is an angle of 60° (1/6 of the 360° ecliptic, or 1/2 of a trine [120°]). A separation (orb) of 60±04° is considered a sextile. The sextile has been traditionally said to be similar in influence to the trine, but of less significance. It indicates ease of communication between the two elements involved, with compatibility and harmony between them, but only provides opportunity, requiring effort to gain its benefits. See information on the semisextile below.

    [edit] Square

    A square (abrv. SQr or Squ) is an angle of 90° (1/4 of the 360° ecliptic, or 1/2 of an opposition [180°]). An orb of somewhere between 5° and 10°[3] is usually allowed. As with the trine and the sextile, in the square, it is usually the outer or superior planet that has an effect on the inner or inferior one. See the information on the semisquare and sesquiquadrate below. The square is also sometimes known as the quartile.

    [edit] Trine

    A trine (abrv. Tri) is an angle of 120° (1/3 of the 360° ecliptic). A separation (orb) of 120±04° is considered a trine. The trine indicates harmony, and ease of expression, with the two elements reinforcing each other. The trine is a source of artistic and creative talent, which is innate. The nature of the trine is that of the fire signs (Aries to Leo and or Aries to Sagittarius) and is thus inspirational. The trine has been traditionally assumed to be extremely beneficial, providing ease even if undeserved, but it can be a 'line of least resistance' to a person of weak character. Too many trines are said to make a person weak and unable to cope with adversity.

    [edit] Opposition

    An opposition (abrv. Opp) is an angle of 180° (1/2 of the 360° ecliptic). An orb of somewhere between 5° and 10°[3] is usually allowed. Oppositions are said to be the second most powerful aspect. It resembles the conjunction although the difference between them is that the opposition causes exaggeration as it is not unifying like the conjunction but instead exalted. So the fact that the opposition creates a dynamic and exalted energy between the planets involved is not as clearly negative as for instance the square, but it can be indicative of tension, conflict or confrontation, due to the polarity between the two signs involved if not channeled constructively. If channeled constructively however the individual may use it as a creative and energetic power source. The Sun and Moon are in opposition monthly during the full moon. Stephan Arroyo wrote that “the opposition, particularly since it usually involves planets in harmonious elements, indicates a degree of over-stimulation in the person’s energy field which often manifest as a feeling of being caught in the middle of completely opposite tendencies.” According to Robert Hand "whatever energies are linked by the opposition, they are combined in such a way that they produce instability and change through conflict. The symbolism of the opposition aspect is very much what one would expect: polarity, strife, conflict, and so on, but also partnership and cooperation, as well as consciousness itself.


    (apo wikipedia)
  • mpoumpou255 @ 21.01.2013 17:57
    αναρωτιεμαι αν εξαρταται και απο το αν είναι μια όψη που θα γίνει ή που έχει γινει
  • mr_Mister @ 21.01.2013 19:41
    Mε τους εξωκρόνιους 6° σχηματίζουσα 5° αποχωρίζουσα. Η ανοχή (orb) δεν είναι διακόπτης on/off αλλά καμπύλη, όσο πιο μικρή η ανοχή τόσο πιο έντονη η επίδραση, πολλοί χάρτες θα σου δώσουν παραπάνω αλλά να την θεωρείς εξαιρετικά ασθενή. Σχηματίζουσα ή συγκλίνουσα είναι η όψη όταν ο πιο γρήγορος πλανήτης, εδώ η Αφροδίτη, ΘΑ συναντήσει τον πιο αργό, εδώ τον εξωκρόνιο, ενώ αποχωρίζουσα ή αποκλίνουσα η όψη ΑΦΟΥ τον έχει συναντήσει και φεύγει. Λίγες βασικές γνώσεις αστρονομίας χρειάζονται αν δεν βγάζει αυτά τα δεδομένα το πρόγραμμα. Οι σχηματίζουσες όψεις είναι πιο έντονες.
  • justice0libra @ 21.01.2013 20:53
    Τι γλώσσα μιλάτε;;;;;;;; Δεν καταλαβαίνω τίποτα!!!!! Χαχαχαχα!
  • mpoumpou255 @ 21.01.2013 21:13
    μου εχουν δωσει με πλουτωνα συνοδο στις 9 μοιρες καποια site, ειναι συγκλινουσα η οψη, βασικα τυχαινει ολες στο χαρτη μου να ειναι συγκλινουσες με τους εξωκρονιους
    καποιοι λενε για 10 μοιρες....ειναι δυνατον αποκλινουσα 10 μοιρων να θεωρειται συνοδος????

  • mr_Mister @ 21.01.2013 22:24
    10° αφρό με εξωκρόνιο όχι. Ακόμα και να θέλεις να την πάρει όμως, όπως κάνουν πολλά αστρολογικά προγράματα ή οι αστρολόγοι που τα χρησιμοποιούν ή τα προγραμματίζουν (γιατί κάποιος τα φτιάχνει όλα αυτά), να ξέρεις ότι θα έχει το 5 με 8% της ισχύος της ακριβούς συνόδου.
    Τζάστις Aστραλιανά
  • mpoumpou255 @ 21.01.2013 23:25
    τον εχω τον λατρεμενο πλουτωνα σε συνοδο 2,5 με τον ηλιο μου ας αφησει την κρονιασμενη αφρο μου ησυχη!

έχουν γενέθλια 246 μέλη.


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