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Nodal returns

The Nodal Returns: Meeting Your Future

"The Hermit" from Black Cats Tarot by Maria Kuara

“The Hermit” from Black Cats Tarot by Maria Kuara






Yesterday’s post about thetransiting Nodes moving into Libra/Aries raised some questions about the natal Nodes. Specifically, what if your natal North and South Nodes are in Libra/Aries?

Anytime the transiting Nodes conjunct (pass over) your natal Nodes, it’s significant. There’s two, different types of transits in this category:

1) The Nodal Return: the transiting NN passes over yournatal NN (and the transiting SN passes over your natalSN). You are confronted by key events/people and encouraged to follow your NN path, while moving beyond the habits of your SN. This transit occurs around the ages of 19, 38, 57 and 75 (ages are approximate).

2) The Inverse (or Reverse) Nodal Return: thetransiting NN passes over your natal SN, and the transitingSN passes over your natal NN. You can achieve closure (of past issues) through direct manifestations of your future potential. The past meets the future, in the present. This happens around the ages of 9, 27, 46, 65 and 83 (ages are approximate).

Nodal transits are not like certain planetary transits. They do not compel you to transform (like Pluto) or shock you into awareness (like Uranus). Much depends on how aware you are of your Nodal path (your potential). If you’re not fully conscious of what you need to move away from, and towards, these transits can pass you by. Take a look at the ages I listed for both returns, and think back to any significant events (and patterns) that occurred around those times.

 Πηγή : rubyslipper.ca

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