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Αυτή την εβδομάδα: Αφροδίτη σε σύνοδο με Κρόνο
 Aπό: Astrolada (Teacher of Astrology and Esoteric Studies) 
 Venus conjunct Saturn this week: predictions for each Zodiac Sign
For this to be most correct check your Rising (Ascendant) Sign! 

1. ARIES: Venus rules your finances and your relationship-Saturn can create some heavier responsibilities, testing or restrcitions in these-a need for reevaluating some aspects of Partnerships and of your money habits. They joint together in your 8th house of mutual finances, so you will apply the same restructuring and re-evaluation or extra duties can apply to mutual finances with a partner(business or personal)

2. TAURUS: Venus rules your body, vitality and health. Saturn creates the needs for reassessing some of your health/dietary habits in order for you to have better energy levels and be happier. Watch out for colds or stiffening conditions. Saturn brings more a more sober and serious attitude to life, might border to negativity at moments. But you can use very constructively this week for objective reassessment of your health and work routines. Venus and Saturn join in your 7th house of relationships so the same restructuring and re-evaluating activities or extra duties can apply to partnerships (personal or business) 

3. GEMINI: Venus rules your creative ideas, romance and children. Saturn can make re-evaluate some of your less objective and constructive attitudes to these--you can become stricter with your children, more serious and objective in regards to some hobbies or creative project and notice and trim some unhealthy behaviours in love affairs. Venus and Saturn join in your 6th house of health and work routines and duties, so the same restructuring and re-evaluating activities or extra duties can apply to these matters. 

4. CANCER: Venus rules your friendships and social circle(11th house) and your home, family and property(4th house). Saturn can bring some tests to these matters--if you are serious, responsible and cautious you will sort these out quickly! You are re-evaluating more soberly some of your friendships or family situations this week. Venus and Saturn join in your 5th house of romance, children and creative activities , so the same restructuring and re-evaluation or extra duties can apply to these matters. 

5. LEO: Venus rules your career, authority(own or others' over you)(10th house) and your communications and teammates. Saturn will test these areas of your life and will require more of your attention and efforts in that respect this week. You can the chance to improve all of these areas as long as you re-evaluate these in more mature and productive light and shift your reactions accordingly. 
Venus and Saturn join in your 4th house of Home and Family, so the same restructuring and re-evaluating activities or extra duties can apply to these matters. 

6.VIRGO: Venus rules travel, foreigners and mentor figures in your life (9th house) and your finances (2nd house). There can be some extra responsibilities connected to any of these themes this week, or there can be some delays or the need for extra careful planning.
Venus and Saturn join in your 3rd house of communications, information and teammates/Associates, so the same restructuring and re-evaluating activities or extra duties can apply to these matters. 

7. LIBRA: Venus rules your vitality and overall well being (1st house) and your mutual finances with partners(personal or business-8th house). Saturn can lower your overall energy this week and bring you more responsibilities connected to mentioned areas. There can be some delays or the need for extra careful planning in these matters. 
Venus and Saturn join in your 2rd house of own finances and resources, so the same restructuring and re-evaluating activities or extra duties can apply to these matters. 

8. SCORPIO. Venus rules your Relationships(personal or business). Saturn can test some of these and bring the need to re-evaluate your approach to some of them or some aspect of them. There can be more responsibilities coming to you from partnerships. Serious and business minded interactions with others will be more productive than ones for fun or affections. Venus and Saturn join in your 1st house of Self, so the same restructuring and re-evaluating activities or extra duties can apply to your self. 

9. SAGITTARIUS. Venus rules your health and work routines and duties (6th house) and your friendships and social circle. Saturn might ask you to re-evaluate some of these and find a more realistic or constructive approach to them. Some trimming of unproductive acquaintances or extravagant work or health habits can be achieved. 

10. CAPRICORN. Venus rules your romantic life and children(5th house) and your career and authority (own or other's over you) you might need to re-evaluate some of your relationships with these( bosses, children lovers) and make them more productive and realistic. Extra responsibilities connected to these areas of life possible this weak. But at the same time Venus joins your Ruler-Saturn, bringing the opportunity for more pleasure, affection, love, enjoyments. 

11. AQUARIUS. Venus rules travels and foreigners(9th house) and home, family and feelings(4th house) for you. There can be the need to re-evaluate your relationship or attitudes to some of these matters or have a small reality check here. More restrained and controlled reactions to these are commended this week. 
But at the same time Venus joins your Ruler-Saturn, bringing the opportunity for more pleasure, affection, love, enjoyments. 

12. PISCES. Venus rules your siblings, teammates, associates and communications (3rd house) and your mutual finances with partners. Saturn can bring the need for extra responsibilities there or careful handling of these for the next few days. Even if there is some testing in some these areas, you can make this easier, but adopting an attitude of self control and restraint when it comes to dealing with these. Venus and Saturn join in your 9th house of travels, mentors and metal outlook so the same restructuring and re-evaluating activities or extra duties can apply to these matters.
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