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You were just one of those possibilities 
Flirting with disaster
and emotional liabilities
You left no room for my burning ambition to love you
You ate my spinach pie
and I didn't say aword
Baby-bathed you
but it didn't strike you a chord
Handsome as you were
this was more than I could bear
Piercing me was just in your paln of things
Yeah,baby,you left me with no insurance policy
So that's what brings us back where we started
Even a eunich could do it better
You're nit that kind of setter
Ludicrous schemings to bring you back
Didn't dawn on me that you would suck
Your salary always came first
No bed promises,no life sharity and all this bullshit
My thoughts were overwhelming you...
Why the hell should you care?
Always men with thinking were so rare
to find and to come to terms with
Live on your own 
throw me a stone
I;ll catch and maybe I;ll make it a bird
Raw disappointment will do no good
So stop being so rude and go back to your hole
Catch the ball
It's your turn to sabotage me
But I won't stay in this ''embouteillage''
Brilliant!!oh so brilliant!!
What did you think you were?
Another Shakespearian object of desire...?
No way I could hire 
Later on,I'll draw the first blood
No,don't think I'm bad
I'm just a lad
with more aspirations than just blow your head off
NYC of A should give you a lesson
on how cruel is to mess with a person
Calamith is a natural thing
Your city showed that to every living being
Killing is easy but suffering is more pure
And I'm not sure
Whether to live or die
This is my joke and you must listen
I'm not a bag of bones you're suppose to be kissing
Go defrost youreslf
You're cheap and you're missing
The whole point of arguing
After shooting you,I'll turn myself in
I'm not a credential of love
Parody of man
look what you have done
Let the judges decide
who's wrong and who's right
My fullfilment came
when I threw you off the light
So now I'll live on
and my memory as wee
so,what the hell?
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Αξιολόγηση: χωρίς αξιολόγηση

έχουν γενέθλια 223 μέλη.

γιορτάζουν οι: Αγνή, Μάξιμος, Πάτροκλος


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