παρακαλώ περιμένετε...
to whom it may concern....

Aisthanomai thn anagkh na parw dhmosia thesh gia merika pragmata pou eginan tis teleftaies meres, parolo pou den katafera na ta parakolouthsw stena kathws profanws ektulixthikan tis wres pou egw douleva ki apo th douleia (eftuxws mallon) den mpainw sto site.

Dedomenou oti apo arketes diaforetikes phges akousa polu paromoia perigrafh gegonotwn, thewrw oti mporw na exw mia sxetika "swsth" antilhpsh twn gegonotwn. Epitrepste mou loipon, na parathesw ki egw th gnwmh mou me vash afta alla ki afta pou eixa thn timh na parakolouthisw...

1. zodiac
a) to post to vrhka para polu epituxes ki exupno, toso th sullhpsh oso kai ta comments gia ta perissotera melh (note: toulaxiston afta pou gnwrizw etsw kai mono netika)
b) to gegonos oti den emeines sto post kai mplexthkes se suzhthseis me "epilegmena" melh tou stardome* vevaiwse thn tautothta sou. hsoun enas apo "emas"... (note: to sxolio gia to prwto thuma evale tis arxikes idees...)
c) sunepeia tou c htan kapoioi na ginoun/ginoume metaxu mas mpaxalo prokeimenou na vgaloun/vgaloume akrh... (note: opws profanws ksereis den vrhkan oloi epituxhmena ta sxolia sou...)
d) ta pragmata eginan akoma xeirotera otan ksekinhsan ta mail kai ta thlefwna.. (note: nai telika mou hrthe to -- profanws prwto-- "boooo" mail sou... xhmerwmata savvatou? kati tetoio....)

2. ariesaries
a) otan kaneis mia plaka, exeis ta @@@ na thn uperaspisteis monos sou...
b) otan apofasizeis na kopseis mia plaka, pou xekinas dhmosia, thn lhgeis (esy) dhmosia....
c) otan katalavaineis oti mia plaka, vgainei ektos elegxou, apla th lhgeis... (me thn proupothesh panta oti katalavaineis...)
d) nai afto kala to exeis katalavei den se paw.- (ki o monos logos pou sto lew kai malista dhmosia einai gia na epivevaiwsw th gnwmh sou: den exw tropous....)

3. mme 
polu kakos xeirismos.... alla to ksereis...

4. klikes
a) nai merikoi anthrwpoi sumpathoun kapoious allous perissotero ki otan afto sumvainei mporei kai na ginoun parea (note: exw xasei to episodio pou antikatastathike h lexh parea me th lexh klika) 
b) nai merikoi apo mas exoume vrethei ki exoume pei/piei duo kouventes/krasia parapanw (note: liga lew?)
c) nai merikoi apo emas tha epitethoume s aftous pou epitithentai se kapoion apo thn "klika" (note: gia osous xeroun legetai kai filia...)
d) nai eimaste anoixtoi se kainouria atoma sthn parea (note: h parea exei ta dika ths standards)
e) nai ektos apo parea eimaste kai memonomenoi anthrwpoi, pou boroume na exoume proswpikh apopsh gia allous anthrwpous kai na feromaste analoga (note: o kathenas mas exei ta dika tou standards)

Afta, gia na xekatharisw egw th thesh mou katarxhn sthn "klika" kai s olous osous milaw edw mesa pou (akoma?) den anhkoun s afth.
Me thn efkairia, kai gia na mhn xehniomaste na dwsw kai filia sth selhnh mou... :***************
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