Ayo - Life is real
Some people say
that i'm too open
hey say it's not good to let them know everything about me
and they say one day they will use every little things against me
but i don't mind maybe they're right
that's just how it is and i got nothing to hide.
i live my life the way i want
i got nothing to hide nothing at all
life is not a fairy tale
life is about more
cause life is real.
i live my life
the way i want
i got nothing to hide
nothing at all
life is not a fairy tale
life they should know that life is real.
A friend of mine gave me an advice he said be careful
and think twice before you talk about your life
protect yourself just keep quiet
the more they know the harder they try to spoil your ways
to spread lies and even though i know he could be
right i just said i..
i live my life the way i want
i got nothing to hide nothing at all
life is not a fairy tale
life is about more
cause life is real.
i live my life
the way i want
i got nothing to hide
nothing at all
life is not a fairy tale
life they should know that life is real.
Me i be ayo ogunmakin fear no foe
i am real from head to toe
just like my heart and my soul.
Me i be ayo ogunmakin fear no foe
i am real from head to toe
like life is real and you should know…….
Ανεβάζω στο σπίτι του ωροσκόπου μου ένα τραγούδι που με αντιπροσωπεύει απόλυτα...
Καλησπέρα σας!!!!
Δεν ξέρω τι εννοείς με τον όρο "γκαντεμιά" αλλά σε ενημερώνω ότι ο Κρόνος διελαύνει μέσα από τον 1ο οίκο σου και για τα επόμενα 2 χρόνια θα περάσει πάνω από τον Κρονο (επιστροφή Κρόνου), το Δία και τον Πλούτωνά σου. Επομένως τα πράγματα θα ζορίσουν λίγο, αλλά θα είναι για καλό. Αυτό που θα μείνει μετά στη ζωή σου είναι ό,τι αξίζει και όχι ότι σε ταλαιπωρούσε μέχρι τώρα. Νέες βάσεις μπαίνουν, οπότε υπομονή...