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Desperate Scorpio...

  • johnnyG @ 03.04.2010 10:37
  • johnnyG @ 03.04.2010 10:40
    Τhe 2012 date indeed marks the completion of this World Age Cycle. Rather than something to fear, we can understand the 2012 prophecy as signalling us that we need to awaken and realize that these times on Earth are auspicious; we are living in land-mark times in the history of our planet. We are collectively in a cross-roads moment that is calling out to us to participate in our fullest capacity. We are each being summoned to bring our inspiration and empowerment to the fore, as we must all take our places in transforming our human culture to be one of Harmony - with ourselves, with each other and with all of Nature.  Together we are in a great initiation process, living in times of unprecedented challenge, transformation and opportunity. This planetary moment has never existed before as it does right now. Our human population is climbing off the charts, accelerating by the day, as is our environmental crises and the vast whole-system struggles of peoples worldwide, both physically and spiritually. The old world mentality, founded in separation, greed, ignorance, and unconscious consumer materialism, has reached dangerous peaks. Simultaneously, there has never been so much possibility at our fingertips as there is right now. A new paradigm is trying to emerge in our world, through our hearts and minds, like a flower trying to grow through the cracks in the cement sidewalk. New comprehensions and new solutions are emerging in our collective journey - from new sciences, to new economic models, new healing modalities, new energy technologies, new educational models, new forms of conflict resolution, etc. These times of crisis are unifying us and catalyzing us to awaken to our personal and collective responsibilities in this one planetary equation. As we perceive the 2012 completion date as a reminder to us from the Ancients that right here and now we are living in precious times, we can realize how critical it is that we align together in respect for life, becoming more and more conscious of how our intentions and actions affect the Whole. This is an important theme of this prophecy: Becoming Conscious of All that has been Unconscious. It is time to see and know and become aware of how we can participate directly in this great transformation process, inside of ourselves and in our shared world, from the energies we transmit through our feelings and intentions, to the details of our lifestyle choices. The New Cycle that is to emerge is founded on us awakening to the beauty and responsibility of our interconnectedness. Every one of us has a piece in this cosmic puzzle, and we must help each other find our heart's guidance in these mysterious times. As we recognize we are in a Global Healing Crisis, we can shake off the wounded victim mentality, and arise as Medicine Warriors, here to do the necessary work to help lay the ground for a New Era to root, conscious of our obligations to future generations. Carlos Barrios, who was trained as an Ajq'ij in the Maya tradition, has this to share in regards to 2012: "Our planet can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and take action...The prophesized changes are going to happen, but our attitude and actions determine how harsh or mild they are. "This is a crucially important moment for humanity and for earth. Each person is important. If you have incarnated into this era, you have spiritual work to do balancing the planet...The greatest wisdom is in simplicity. Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It's not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is free. It's encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the beginning. Find you heart, and you will find your way." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is 2012 going to be the "End of The World?" No, not in terms of the complete destruction of the Earth and some kind of annihilation scenario. 2012 is not bringing the end of the planet. When we contemplate the expression "end of the world" let us realize the term "world" can refer to a cycle; a period of time; a world age era. Therefore 2012 is signalling the completion of one World Age Cycle, transitting into an emerging New World Age to come. It is said that the world we are ending is the one that is dominated by materialism and ego consciousness, therefore it may be that the world to follow will be founded on different values that honor the spirit of the interdependence of all of life. There are ideas in the collective mind that assert that 2012 is bringing the "end of the world as we know it," which may be linked with its other association of heralding "the end of linear time," and no one can say how valid these claims may be. However, based on the complex situation we are in as a planet, no one can predict the longevity of our modern world with all of its technological dependencies and unsustainable customs. Likewise, the more conscious we become of the non-linear, synchronistic nature of existence, the more rapidly we may indeed evolve beyond the linear time paradigm. In regards to the ever-increasing attention on the December 21, 2012 date, the living Maya of Guatemala urgently want it to be known that their ancient prophecies have been distorted and misportrayed as doomsday predictions.
  • johnnyG @ 03.04.2010 10:40
    έλα, desperate scorpio. καλό διάβασμα...
  • johnnyG @ 03.04.2010 10:45
  • bravedim @ 03.04.2010 11:58
    thanx johny!...an kai thn agamia mou thn afhses asxoliasth
  • johnnyG @ 03.04.2010 13:12
    αν δεν ήσουν σκορπιός, αποκλείεται να μην το είχα σχολιάσει!!! αλλά αφού είσαι, είναι λογικό...
    ρίξε το στο διάβασμα. και στα κοινωνικό-οικονομικά. χαχαχα
  • johnnyG @ 03.04.2010 13:13
    για το τ τετράγωνο πολύ καλά το αναλύει το τελευταίο λινκ...
    άρθρο για την αγαμία δε βρήκα. σόρυ.
  • johnnyG @ 03.04.2010 13:15
    βασικά. θα μπορούσε το σταρντομ να παρέχει τέτοιες υπηρεσίες. πρότεινέ το στο gp.
    οκ, καλό πάσχα...
  • bravedim @ 03.04.2010 13:40
    axaxaxaxaxa!  ase ta internetika den einai tou styl mou
    efxaristw poly john!
  • johnnyG @ 03.04.2010 14:31
  • dorinaki @ 05.04.2010 13:02
    Μην προβληματίζεσαι... Και εγώ μια από τα ίδια είμαι... Ότι έχω ξεκινήσει έχει λήξει γρήγορα και άδοξα....

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