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Come home...




We say its okay and to leave it alone
But I want you to notice this case isn't closed
Doors are open, the lights are left on
And there's never a night I sleep
With the dreams that Id have if you never decided, decided to leave
There's never an ounce that I breathe without thinking about who I could have been with you.
There's never an ounce that I breathe without thinking about who I could have been if you didn't leave.

The phones been patient to hear your call
But you never touch the dial
You never touch the dial
So now I know
There's someone I wish walked through these halls
But you'll never take the chance to come home
So come home

We say we can learn from this
But I just don't know what to do without you anymore
Your absence is taking its toll on me
What I should believe
I just cant believe
There's never an ounce that I breathe without thinking about who I could have been with you.
There's never an ounce that I breathe without thinking about who I could have been if you didn't leave.

The phones been patient to hear your call
But you never touch the dial
You never touch the dial
So now I know
There's someone I wish walked through these halls
But you'll never take the chance to come home
So come home

 You say it isn't my fault so I steer away
I put off the pain for another day
Did you think it wouldn't be tough?
8 years was never enough
Ill wait for you
If you never change I will be okay
But Ill still stay up for you
Just in case you make the time for the right move.

The phones been patient to hear your call
But you never touch the dial
You never touch the dial
So now I know
There's someone I wish walked through these halls
But you'll never take the chance to come home
So come home
There's someone I wish walked through these halls
The phones been patient to hear your call
But you never touch the dial
You never touch the dial
So now I know
Theres someone I wish walked through these halls
But you never touch the dial
You never touch the dial
And now I know
The phones been patient to hear your call
But you'll never take the chance to come home
But you'll never take the chance to come home
Just come home

Σχόλια: 2   Αξιολόγηση:
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  •  @ date here
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  • pinklips @ 11.06.2008 11:23
    Συμφωνώ με την Happy και να σου συμπληρώσω pastra, ότι εσυ έχεις την εμπειρία αυτής της σχέσης (εικόνες - σκέψεις - συναισθήματα)....και να θυμάσαι ότι κοιτάμε το μέλλον αισιόδοξα και δημιουργικά... : )


έχουν γενέθλια 239 μέλη.

γιορτάζουν οι: Φιλοθέη


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    May the stars shine upon you all
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    Αγαπητή Irini,  δυστυχώς, οι προβλέψεις δεν μπορούν να ανταποκρίνονται ακριβώς σε όλους τους ανθρώπους. Είναι ...
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    Διόρθωση, στον 8ο οίκο σας είναι παιδιά, ξέρετε, κάτι ο ψόφος που δεν ανάβουνε καλοριφέρ και κυνηγάμε μπεκάτσες ...