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Καλημερα σας!!!!

  • moisture666 @ 18.09.2015 11:02
    Τι αλλο;!!
  • gkinaz7 @ 18.09.2015 11:52
    A!!!τελεια ....λίγη ακόμα υποθέτω δεν βλάπτει ... Ευχαριστώ ...
  • moisture666 @ 19.09.2015 08:47
    Ωραίος ο χαρτης σου(τωρα είδα το προφιλ σου) αλλα καμια αντιθεση.
    παρθενοσεληνη ή στο ζυγο;!!!
    Ο ποσειδωνας πανω στον ωροσκοπο;!!
    Τι ώρα γεννηθηκες;!!
    Ακομα κ οταν ο κρονος περάσει πανω απο τον γενεθλιο ποσειδωνα παλι δυσκολα δεν θα ειναι παροτι οι δυο πλανητες ειναι το άκρως αντίθετο μεταξυ τους.
    (Αυτο  γιατι ο γενεθλιος ποσειδωνας κανει οψη εξαγωνου με γενεθλιο κρονο κ δια κ ετσι...μια χαρα!)
  • Gemini86 @ 21.09.2015 17:19
    When Saturn transits conjunct the Sun, our level of maturity, realism,
    and responsibility come up for inspection. The goals we have set for ourselves,
    as well as our very character, are now re-evaluated for strength and purpose,
    and tested against reality. Saturn has a way of slowing down our life, as if it
    is forcing us to take a really good look at it. Because the Sun rules our
    vitality, we may feel that our energy is somewhat depleted. We begin to feel our
    age, and the pressures that may go along with it. We may feel alone and
    un-parented or unsupported. We may be assessing our achievements to date, and we
    are extremely sensitive to whether or not we have been recognized on a
    professional level as well as on a personal level. Whether our talents and
    abilities, and our unique individuality and character, are recognized by others
    becomes especially important to us. We tend to be self-critical and/or we feel
    that others do not support or recognize us enough. This process is necessary, as
    we are learning to see ourselves more realistically—without rose-colored
    glasses—so that we can move forward with a stronger sense of purpose. This may
    be a time when we cut out projects or possibly relationships that are no longer
    working for us, or that have been built on weak foundations. We are essentially
    conserving our energy for those things that do work for us, and we work on
    building and strengthening them.
    our level of maturity, realism,
    and responsibility come up for inspection. The goals we have set for ourselves,
    as well as our very character, are now re-evaluated for strength and purpose,
    and tested against reality. Saturn has a way of slowing down our life, as if it
    is forcing us to take a really good look at it. Because the Sun rules our
    vitality, we may feel that our energy is somewhat depleted. We begin to feel our
    age, and the pressures that may go along with it. We may feel alone and
    un-parented or unsupported. We may be assessing our achievements to date, and we
    are extremely sensitive to whether or not we have been recognized on a
    professional level as well as on a personal level. Whether our talents and
    abilities, and our unique individuality and character, are recognized by others
    becomes especially important to us. We tend to be self-critical and/or we feel
    that others do not support or recognize us enough. This process is necessary, as
    we are learning to see ourselves more realistically—without rose-colored
    glasses—so that we can move forward with a stronger sense of purpose. This may
    be a time when we cut out projects or possibly relationships that are no longer
    working for us, or that have been built on weak foundations. We are essentially
    conserving our energy for those things that do work for us, and we work on
    building and strengthening them.
  • Gemini86 @ 21.09.2015 17:19
    Saturn transiting the first
    house begins with a Saturn conjunction to the Ascendant, a
    transit of personal significance. The first house is a fire
    house, a house that rules our personal identity.
    We concern ourselves with how we come across to others on a
    personal level with Saturn here. Our physical body becomes a
    focus as well. Depending on the age of the native, it may be a
    time when we feel our age, or it is a time when we see our
    bodies quite clearly. This is an excellent time for beginning
    health regimens, diets, and the like, simply because it is a
    time when we look in the mirror and see ourselves
    clearly—not what we want to see. Our outlook on life
    changes to a more serious, responsible tone. In the beginning
    stages of the transit, you may feel frustrated with yourself,
    let down, and lacking in self-confidence. You might reach out
    to others in an attempt to validate yourself, looking for ways
    to boost your confidence. When these attempts fail, you may
    feel temporarily let down and discouraged. Rest assured that
    Saturn will re-work these feelings, with your help of course,
    until you reach a point (as Saturn moves through the house)
    where you have a stronger sense of self. This transit acts to
    transform your self-confidence in such a way that you question
    the source of your confidence to date, and discover a more
    solid base for pulling up inner strength. Saturn here
    acts to rip away the superficial. Illusions about the self,
    the body, and personal abilities will no longer be tolerated.
    The end result is a newfound identity and a realistic
    understanding of the self. In terms of career and projects,
    outward signs of progress may not be as forthcoming, yet the
    work that you do during this transit will lay a foundation for
    future success and progress! For example, some years ago, a client began a
    hobby/project during a Saturn transit to her first house,
    something that took up a
    lot of her time and energy and that yielded nothing in terms
    of immediate financial gain—until later! In fact, this
    "hobby" turned into her career in the years to
    strength. Saturn here
    acts to rip away the superficial. Illusions about the self,
    the body, and personal abilities will no longer be tolerated.
    The end result is a newfound identity and a realistic
    understanding of the self. In terms of career and projects,
    outward signs of progress may not be as forthcoming, yet the
    work that you do during this transit will lay a foundation for
    future success and progress! For example, some years ago, a client began a
    hobby/project during a Saturn transit to her first house,
    something that took up a
    lot of her time and energy and that yielded nothing in terms
    of immediate financial gain—until later! In fact, this
    "hobby" turned into her career in the years to
  • gkinaz7 @ 24.09.2015 12:57
    7:3ο το πρωί ....γεννήθηκα moisture666 !!!!ωραιος χάρτης ;;;δηλαδη ; 
  • ManosTS @ 24.09.2015 20:55
    Ναι δεν την γλυτωνεις δυστυχως σε επηρεαζει ακου τωρα και το καινουργιο
    τραγουδι του Καρβελα "ο διαβολος ειναι απο την Ελλαδα"... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KW4JHG6_ttY
  • moisture666 @ 25.09.2015 12:47
    Θελεις να γράψουμε καλά λογια...να φτιαχνεις,ε;!!!
  • moisture666 @ 25.09.2015 12:47
    Κυβερνητης πλανητης του 6ου σε τριγωνο με τον χειρωνα κ ο χειρωνας εντος 6ου.
  • moisture666 @ 25.09.2015 12:48
    Ακμη 2ου στον αιγοκερω κ ο κυβερνητης πλανητης(κρονος) κ στον 11ο(φιλοδοξίες,ονειρα,στόχοι) κ σε εξαρσιακο ζωδιο(ζυγος) κ στον οικο του(στην παραδοσιακή αστρολογια).
  • moisture666 @ 25.09.2015 12:49
    Παροτι σε τετραγωνο με τον φυσικό κυβερνητη του 2ου(αφροδιτη) βρίσκονται σε αμοιβαία υποδοχη λογω ζωδιου(αφρό στον αιγοκερω  κ κρονος στον ζυγο).
  • moisture666 @ 25.09.2015 12:50
    Μεγάλο τριγωνο αρη,αφροδιτης κ χειρωνα.
  • moisture666 @ 25.09.2015 12:51
    Ο ηλιος πολυ κοντα στην ακμη 1ου.Ο Αρης σε εξαρσιακο οικο κ σε συνοδο με Mc.Κ τι Αρης!!Δουλευταράς!....στην παρθενο!....του τέλειου υπαλλήλου! 
  • moisture666 @ 25.09.2015 12:53
    Βέβαια κανεις καποια δουλειά κ αποκτάς φήμη οταν δουλευεις μονη σου,στο παρασκήνιο ή εχει σχεση με την φροντιδα ατόμων σε ιδρύματα ή χώρους απομόνωσης.Μπορει να ασχοληθείς με την χημεία της φαρμακολογίας ισως.Ο σύντροφος σε βοηθά να εργάζεσαι σε ενα τετοιο περιβάλλον.
  • moisture666 @ 25.09.2015 12:54
    Κοιτα....ο κυβερνητης του 10ου(κ του 7ου)στον 12ο κ ο κυβερνητης του 12ου στον 10ο.Μεταξυ τους κάνουν εξαγωνο(Ερμης κ Αρης) οπως κ ο φυσικός κυβερνητης του 7ου κανει εξαγωνο με τον ερμη!Αν κάνεις δικη σου δουλειά ισως βγαλεις ενα σκασμό λεφτα!
  • moisture666 @ 25.09.2015 12:56
    Αυτος ο ουρανος σε συνοδο με την ακμη του 1ου οικου....σε κανει να εχεις εκκεντρική εμφανιση ,να μην ωριμάζεις ποτε(?!!!) 
  • moisture666 @ 25.09.2015 12:58
    Καλημερα κ οταν βγαλεις αυτα τα λεφτα...θελω ενα διπλή πίτα καλαμακι κοτόπουλο,με γιαούρτι,ντομάτα,πατάτα κ μπόλικο κρεμμύδι!
  • moisture666 @ 25.09.2015 13:09
    Ξεχασα κατι....
    Κουμαντο στον χαρτη κανει ο χειρωνας
    Μορφή χαρτη...σκουπα(χειρολαβή αυτής ο χειρωνας)!
  • gkinaz7 @ 25.09.2015 13:37
    Άρα η ωρίμανση του πρώτου σχολίου παει περίπατο .... Κατι οσμιζομουν .... Ωστόσο ναι οφείλω να παραδεχτώ πως είχα τρομερή ανάγκη να ακούσω κατι καλο . Σε ευχαριστώ πολυ πολυ για το χρόνο σου .... Θα κοιτάξω πιο αναλυτικά αυτά που μου έχεις γράψει ωστε να καταλάβω και τι σημαίνουν .ευχαριστω πολυ ....
  • MissScorpio @ 01.03.2016 00:07
    Κι εγώ το ίδιο... Σκορπιός με τοξότη.Απο ότι γνωρίζω θα επηρεάσει κι εμάς, ειδικά εάν έχεις πλανήτες στον δίδυμο,στον παρθένο και στον ιχθυ.

έχουν γενέθλια 215 μέλη.


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