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Tropos prosegkiseis

  • bourboulicious @ 02.03.2007 18:44
    emena pantws o ixtheis mou me kerdise ws eksis: mu deikse poli endiaferon,thavmasmo,itan poli romantikos,me epeise oti mporw na ton empisteftw k meta siga siga arxise na adiaforei..afto kanei emas ta tavrakia na peismwnoume,na theloume na kataktisoume...kali tixi sou efxomai..k min ton pligwseis ..please..take care
  • KaMiKaZe @ 02.03.2007 20:33
    egw ton tavro ton eixa erwteytei prin milhsoume. Afou prwta 3estravwnomoun na ton koitazw (aytos ston kosmo tou), epitelous me prose3e k hr8e k mou milhse. Afou eida ki apoeida oti mallon ntrepotan, tou eipa na pame gia kafe k ekei mou thn epese stegna.Mallon 8eloun to xrono tous. Esy antexeis?
  • tavraki @ 03.03.2007 14:23
    simfono me ton bourboulicious...to oti theloume ton xrono mas auto einai standar...leitourgoume me tous dikous mas rythmous. Prota deije trelo endiaferon alla meta arxise to ftysimo na peismosei...kai tha deis! tha ton piasei to egoistiko tou kai tha thelei na se kerdisei pali.. tha pei : "ox ...ti egine? mas eftyse to gomenaki?" kai tha ginei panikos...TRUST ME... ante kai kali epityxia! (e...min tou gineis kai tsimpouri stin arxi eipame endiaferon se logika plaisia!)

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